Ariosophist #racist

RE: A lost IQ study of transracially adopted Korean

5 points should be deducted from the full-scale IQ of 122 (!!) to account for 16 years of norm inflation. This leaves us with a not much less intimidating average IQ of 117 for 43 transracially adopted Korean children.

Quite phenomenal results for the adopted Koreans. I am a big proponent of IQ as a way to educate others on the fact of different races having different intellects and that not every race is the "same" and that the difference is only "the amount of melanin in their skin" (disgusting lib-tard trash talk). That is, if they will even accept that "race" is real and not a "social construct" as many like to say, not even understanding what that means. The base IQ for African-Americans is around 85 and African blacks 70 (which is labeled then, truly, retarded), so even the intelligent above them at 1 std-dev above are scoring but 100 (European average) and 85, respectively, and at a true 'genius' 2 std-dev above them are 115 and 100. Holy cow, this explains a lot, right?

Of course, when speaking with blacks and liberal whites about IQ tests, they'll say that the IQ tests are inherently "racist" as it was designed by the all-evil white man. Once again they are not grasping the concept of what the I.Q. test actually measures. I then ask, "If the IQ tests are 'racist' and designed by the always-evil white man to prove him superior to all others, why do Asians and especially Koreans consistently score higher? Wouldn't we make it so whites score the highest consistently?". At this point many aren't sure what to say. This is usually the end of my conversation as the point has been made.



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