WTL, I don't put much stock in the Poope anyway. I find it interesting that right now the media is so interwsted in what the muslims and catholics are saying, but not interested in what Christians are saying.
1. What shell said: Catholics ARE CHRISTIANS, you halfwit!
2. The media aren't interested in Christian opinions? You mean such media as TV stations that run The 700 Club , newspapers that run weekly religious columns from ministers, and multiple Christian radio stations (just within my own city)?
~David D.G.
It's funny how they happily accept catholicism as America's largest christian denomination in such phrases as "85% of Americans are christian", and "America is a christian nation", but then go ahead and denounce them whenever there's an opportunity, no matter how far fetched.
And btw, the whole affair is about what the pope (catholic) said about Islam, so it just stands to reason that the media is interested in what those two sides have to say... why would anyone even want to hear about what Baptists make of it? Or dairy farmers? Or professional backgammon players?
Repeat after me: It's not always about me, and sometimes my opinion doesn't matter.
"It's not always about me, and sometimes my opinion doesn't matter"
I think many, many people (self included, sometimes) should repeat that mantra to themselves every morning.
I'd say, just on a personal basis, most Catholics I've met aren't very Christian...but then, most Christians I've met aren't very Christian.
Asking why the media is only interested in what Muslims and Catholics are saying about this situation is like wondering why they didn't interview a 4th grade teacher in Taiwan after the 9/11 attacks. It's because the Baptists aren't involved, you twit!
And I suspect that PatPace really doesn't care about this issue, it was just another opportunity to casually state that Catholics aren't Christians.
WTF? You read about these fundie whackos allthe time with all their in-your-face homobigotry (FMA, anyone?) and misogyny (abortion issue?)and how the resy of us have declared a war on CHristmas, and the ten commandments fracas. Bitches, please!
Aw, somebody feels all ignored. People are interested in the Pope's comments, and the reaction to those comments, because it effects a lot of people. Some churches have been burned over this, and at least one person has been killed. Though the reporter did say at the time that they weren't sure if it was connected or not. But still, it effects a lot of people, and has the potential to effect a lot more. Nobody gives a shit what some little group of Baptists in Possum Spit, Nowhere think. It would just be the same, broke-record bullshit, anyway.
Here's a thought - say something interesting!
Or better still, pray to God to get on T.V. - it won't happen, but it'll remove you from society quite nicely!
Remember, the camera's will come to you. And God will tell them, using your family is cheating. Test your faith. No food. No sleep. On your knees and pray motherfucker!
As has been said, Catholics are Xians, shitwad.
Also, just because the media isn't ALWAYS in your back pocket, doesn't mean your being ignored. Reporting on Catholics and Muslims doesn't constitute neglect of Xians.
Clever poop joke. Come on back when you grow up.
"Poope" instead of "Pope". Get it? Oh that was delightful. What a clever play on words!
"interwsted"? Wike Ewlmer Fudd? Hah-ha-ha-ha. Gee, that is fun to do.
"in what the muslims and catholics are saying, but not interested in what Christians are saying"
Patpace: "My god is bettern yer god!"
Muslim: "I have the same one as you."
Catholic: "Me too. In fact, we're in the same catagory, 'Christian'.
Patpace: "Nuh-uh! Christians rule! Catholics can suck it! Suck it Catholics, suck it!"
When Baptists are actually relevant to the current topic, the media will show interest. Until then, they'll be left to their mental circle-jerk trying to prove who's the biggest hypocrite of them all.
Catholics are not Christians?, can you speak Greek or don´t you know what Catholic means?. Well, the answer. Catholikí Ekklessía(church in Greek), means universal church. Christians one hundred percent.
Catholics follow the Pope(poope) while Christians follow Christ. The Bible is quite clear that we are not to bow down to idols, yet the Catholics bow to Mother Mary everyday. Catholics are not Christians, just religous.
*giggles immaturely*
Nobody's much interested in what fundie Christians are saying, other than as a source of mirth for boards such as FSTDT.
You know, the rest of us (media included) have kinda moved on from the 15th century.
Because Baptists are a johnny-come-lately imitator of the largest, oldest Abrahamic religions?
Because you're a piddlin' ineffective force on the world scene and percieved as a nutbar religion of hate in the world theatre?
Because you worship ignorance and ignore logic?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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