One of the biggest attacks in this nation on the Christian family is homosexuality.
['Damn if that isn't the truth. Just yesterday I saw a whole group of homosexuals in rainbow-colored camoflauge carrying rifles going door to door and attacking children....']
Well thanks for making my point about how dangerous sodomites are!
This is exactly why we real Americans have the 2nd Amendment to protect our families.
This is also yet anothre reason why sodomites need to be collected at concentration points in the USA and isolated from society to protect normal decent folks.
TrueBeliever -- This is sarcasm. Yes, what we need to preserve Christian families and their family values is to create concentration camps for homosexuals. These camps would be operated by clean, decent, gun-toting Christian men demostrating to their children how "God" loves everyone.
JadedRavenge: obviously you've never been to a Pride parade. I assure you, there IS rainbow camo. Where it would be useful other than at said Pride parades or maybe Mardi Gras, dunno, but it exists and is available in a fairly wide range of fabrics, from cotton and such to mesh and plastic to, if I saw right, chain mail. o.O
It never ceases to amuse me when someone like TrueBeliever wants to lock up and/or kill anyone not like him...yet says those same people are the ones everyone needs protecting from.
I can't remember the last time I heard about a straight guy getting beat up in a bar for being straight, or gay men and women saying all straights need to be in concentration camps :P
There are winking smileys after. Poe's law strikes again?
If that's the case, no one posting to the Baptist Watch thread noticed.
...sodomites need to be collected at concentration points in the USA and isolated from society to be protected bigoted folks.
Really, asshat, just because you disagree with a lifestyle that occurs between consenting adults doesn't mean you have the right to persecute them.
This is also yet anothre reason why fundies need to be collected at concentration points in the USA and isolated from society to protect normal decent folks.
It's amazing how most of these attacks on gays can be turned around by replacing "gay" with "fundie" and "sex" with "Stupid"
Hey truebeliever, I was completely moved by your well thought out post. I am turning my life over to jesus, RIGHT NOW! Oh, how foolish I have been! Your sane thinking and rational thought have made me see the light! Praise the lord!
Methinks TrueBeliever needs to recalibrate his sarcasm detector.
<<< Does Yahweh ever worry that the dense concentration of stupidity collected on his site will one day cause it to collapse into a singularity and make the whole Internet 'splode? >>>
If it created a singularity, the Internet would implode . </pedantry>
This is also yet anothre reason why sodomites need to be collected at concentration points in the USA and isolated from society to protect normal decent folks.
"But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment." (Mat. 12:36)
Galatians 5:14
The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
Your post is yet another reason why fundies need to be collected at concentration points in the USA and isolated from society to protect TRUE, normal, decent folks (meaning non-bigots and reasonable people of any sexual orientation).
@Coffee: What do the fake Americans use? Harsh language?
No, of course not! They use poin-ted sticks!
Or a tiger.
Fundyism [mind equip]
-binds when applied-
reduces intelligence by 50%
grants the wearer full immunity to facts, reason and common sense
when irony or sarcasm is used on the wearer, +200% hilarity will ensue
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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