Total Imbecile #sexist
[Blackpill] Advice for high school cels: College is all about losing your virinigtiy
Basically if you are not a virgin there is no reason to go to college
Colleges are just accredited night clubs where girls are admitted for free while men have to pay a huge admission fee (every woman gets some sort of scholarship that covers all of her tuition and living costs for 4 years)
Youre paying tens of thousands for the privilege of potentially having sex with a young female. The price is high because this is really your last chance, once you start working 8 hours a day its over, say bye bye to ever meeting a young nubile female and making her your gf post college
One more thing to consider is your schools gender ratio.
When I was applying to unis I actually got a couple decent offers but I rejected them all so I could attend a more expensive school that had a 50-50 gender ratio
Now even if your school has a 50-50 ratio from stalking girls who go to my uni on social media they will all date guys off campus rather than settling for an on campus incel peer so yeah, I shouldve aimed for like a 75-25 female to male ratio
Also, Chads attend for free too because they all get sports scholarships, so if Chads feel like having more sex with women they can do it for free, your tuition pays for free university provided birth control JFL