As we enter the Christmas season, atheist groups are lining up again to bash Christianity.
Boo-fucking-Hoo, Get over yourselves.
First, publicly asserting our viewpoint on religion is not "bashing" christians or christianity.
Second, neither christianity, nor individual christians are, or could even reasonably expect to be, immune from critisism, mockery, or ridicule.
Third, and most important, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. You don't get to sit there and cry persecution when you constantly and consistently bash non believers, atheists, gays, muslims, liberals, and countless others.
A group called American Atheists purchased a billboard in New Jersey that shows a silhouette of the Three Wise Men approaching the Nativity. Underneath is written, “You KNOW it’s a Myth. This Season, Celebrate REASON!”
How dare they use their freedom of speech to express their own constitutionally guranteed opinion on religious mythology.
There is nothing in the constitution or the body of US civil law that affords christianity cultural supremacy, freedom from critisism, or special deference, and it is an act of unbridaled arrogance and blind hubris to expect that it should.
It’s interesting that this same hostility isn’t displayed against Muslims during Ramadan or towards Jews during their Holy Days.
Maybe it would have something to do with the fact that Jews and Muslims are not the ones throwing a fit and demanding that their holiday be given special recognition to the exclusion of all other concurrently occuring holidays. That's why.
You don't see muslims and jews calling for the boycott of businesses, radio stations, TV networks, etc. and demanding that they extend the greeting of "Happy/Merry <Insert holiday here>" rather than the simple and all encompassing "Happy Holidays".
Apparently the American Atheists are ignorant of the fact that history proves Christ’s birth is not a myth.
Does it now? There is not a single shred contemporary evidence confirming that. There is ample evidence that the city of Nazareth was not even reestablished until over a century later. Add to that the fact that the Census of Agustus described in the biblical narrative never happened. To assert that the birth of jesus is established historical fact is not only an act of willful ignorance, it's a disservice to history and historians, religious or otherwise.
Jesus is not only the promised Messiah, God born of human flesh, he is the crucified and risen Savior of the World.
And not a single one of those claims is historically verifiable, and in some cases not even alluded to in the bible. Religious dogma is not historical fact, no matter how badly you want it to be.
Over three hundred fulfilled biblical prophecies, corroborated by non-Christian sources and eyewitness testimony are stubborn facts atheists simply pretend aren’t there.
What prophecies? What non christian sources? What eyewitnesses? If you are refering to that Nativity story those claims are total bullshit since the Gospels were written decades after the events they supposedly chronicle, by anonymous authors who's stories are not at all consistent.
Atheists seem to hold a deep-seated, irrational resentment against Christmas and the joyous message of salvation that it declares.
What is "irrational" about not believing in fairy tales?
They are apparently too proud to admit their sin and need of a Savior
Yes, I am proud that I don't have such a low opinion of myself that I need to seek the validation of an imaginary magic man to feel good about myself.
so they flee to “REASON.” Yet, their atheistic reasoning is so inconsistent and depressing.
If reason is so "inconsistent" and "depressing" then would you care to point out how? I'd ask you to confine yourself to opinions and positions that atheists actually hold but I know you'll simply resort to the same old strawman arguments that have no validity or basis in reality.
According to honest atheists, if there is no God logic dictates there is no truth, right or wrong, or meaning.
Who would these "honest atheists" be? I ask because there is no singular atheist position or worldview, nor would any honest atheist tie morality, truth, meaning, or logic to the existance of a god. To put it simply, you are lying through your damn teeth.
Yet some atheists are compelled to live as if what they think is true, and that their lives actually do matter.
What makes you think that atheist by and large think that their lives don't matter? While my life my not matter to the world as a whole, and certainly does not matter to the progression of the universe. But my life does matter to me, to my children, and to those around me. Just because i don't believe in a god doesn't mean I think my life is meaningless, and you don't get to decide what anyone else does or does not ascribe meaning to.
It looks to me like they didn’t read their Nietzsche very closely and can’t live according to “REASON” after all.
Atheism is not nihilism, nor is it based in whole or in part on the writings of anyone. Atheism is a descriptor for someone who doesn't believe in a god or gods and nothing more. Neither Nietzsche, nor you determine what atheists think, nor are either of you the arbiter of reason.
Reason does not dictate that life requires a deity of any sort to impart meaning, religion does. My life is void of religion, yet it is rich in meaning, to myself, my family, my children and my first grandchild. I find meaning in work, in my hobbies, and in my writing, and none of that required a "god" to impart it.