A Note to American Atheists

Don't Feed The Trolls

Gary Cass #fundie defendchristians.org

As we enter the Christmas season, atheist groups are lining up again to bash Christianity.

A group called American Atheists purchased a billboard in New Jersey that shows a silhouette of the Three Wise Men approaching the Nativity. Underneath is written, “You KNOW it’s a Myth. This Season, Celebrate REASON!”

It’s interesting that this same hostility isn’t displayed against Muslims during Ramadan or towards Jews during their Holy Days.

Apparently the American Atheists are ignorant of the fact that history proves Christ’s birth is not a myth. Jesus is not only the promised Messiah, God born of human flesh, he is the crucified and risen Savior of the World. Over three hundred fulfilled biblical prophecies, corroborated by non-Christian sources and eyewitness testimony are stubborn facts atheists simply pretend aren’t there.

Atheists seem to hold a deep-seated, irrational resentment against Christmas and the joyous message of salvation that it declares. They are apparently too proud to admit their sin and need of a Savior, so they flee to “REASON.” Yet, their atheistic reasoning is so inconsistent and depressing.

I have always wondered why atheists spend money on billboards to try to persuade others of their position if they really believe their own ideology. According to honest atheists, if there is no God logic dictates there is no truth, right or wrong, or meaning.

Yet some atheists are compelled to live as if what they think is true, and that their lives actually do matter. It looks to me like they didn’t read their Nietzsche very closely and can’t live according to “REASON” after all.



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