Various TERFs #transphobia

RE: Transsexualism is the only group of the LGBT that needs a medical diagnosis and life long medical treatment


They want to be medicated without the diagnosis.

Yeah. Thats the most baffling and frustrating part. They don't want dysphoria or being trans to be considered a mental illness, but then they claim they need a lifetime of expensive medications/surgeries and the whole world to play make-believe with them or else they'll commit suicide! You cannot claim to have a condition that makes you 41% more likely to kill yourself while also saying "its totally not a mental illness". Homosexuality was removed from the DSM list of mental illnesses because its not a pathology. Homosexuals don't need expensive medications and elaborate LARPs in order to transition from straight to gay. The fact that gays & lesbians are lumped in with trans people is both inaccurate and insulting

Trangenderism is always about a lie, whether by the individual about themselves or by TRAs in trying to force other people to validate the false reality/fetish that transgender people are a different sex. That, more than anything else, is why I think the cult will eventually fail. It's based on a lie. And a "reality" constructed on lies is inherently unstable.

That’s the elephant in the room. They also campaign to get it removed as a medical condition, while at the same time campaigning to have immediate and free medical treatment for it?? It’s so nonsensical



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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