I just have never talked about the space shuttles before. I have felt this way for a long time... I don't think we belong in outerspace. I might be wrong about God blowing up the space shuttles, but I wouldn't blame Him if He actually did it as a form of punishment... A lot of humanity's problems stem from them experimenting with things. AIDS is a disease that I feel originated from human sin.
And a lot of humanity's problems where aslo solved thanks to experimentation.
I'm a liberal catholic, and I don't think that God has a problem with space exploration. First, why? and second, I think that God made this great universe and all life on it (There must be aliens somewhere, even entire civilizations) to us to explore. The same principle aplies to nature, etc.
Of course, that's my humble opinion. Some of you atheists may disagree, and I accept that.
PD: AIDS was no generated by human sin...
I hope that goes for me too ;p
No, why would God want to stop us from learning more about the universe and in turn making our lives better. The Tower of Babel was something else all together, that was man trying to rech up to heaven to put himself on equal footing with God it was arrogance not a desire to learn that was being punished.
And as we all know it's not like you can climb and beanstalk and get into heaven anyway.
Space travel as AOK by me, and with God I think too.
After all, what does God need with a starship?
If God gave mankind brains with the awesome capability to invent such things, don't you think he expects us to use them? If he expected us to stay in the dark ages, or refrain from exploring the universe, wouldn't he have limited the capacity of our brains to that level?
If two disasters are "God's punishment", why aren't hundreds of successful missions "God's approval"?
Come to think of it, if God wants you to love him and worship him and obey him, why reward Warren Buffet and Bill Gates (atheist), or Steve Jobs (buddhist) and Larry Ellison (agnostic) so extravagantly?
Whether you are rich or poor, healthy or ill, lucky or unlucky, or happy or unhappy doesn't correlate with atheism or membership of any particular religion.
In fact, it matters so little that it's almost seems like there isn't anyone "up there" taking notes, doesn't it?
IF God exists, and he DOESN'T want us going on up...
Why the hell did he make it all?
He spends all this time making the heavens ("Horsehead Nebulae goes here... Jupitor, needs a great bloody red spot... Moon's too smooth, needs more craters") and then says "Oh, nope, you can't come up here and see it, touch it, or live near it. Stay down there where I put ya!"
I mean, what the fuck! God's an asshole!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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