As I've tried to inform you before, I don't understand how anyone can "hate" a homosexual. That's like hating the flu. It would be better if you could just take some medicine and hope it goes away. Still, it looks more like you suffer greatly from heterophobia, as anyone who has anything of a negative comment or appears "straight" to your way of thinking, you sooner or later redact logic and rely on labels, your favorites, “homophobe” and “bigot.” Even when the “shoe doesn’t fit.”
I don't understand how anyone can "hate" a homosexual. That's like hating the flu.
So you're actually going to admit that homosexuality is natural?
It would be better if you could just take some medicine and hope it goes away.
Well, since no such "cure" exists, why keep a bunch of useless restrictions on what gay people can do?
rely on labels, your favorites, “homophobe” and “bigot.”
If you don't want to be saddled with those labels, then don't be a homophobic bigot.
When you have suffered thousands of years of discrimination, and violence at the hands of 'straightbashers', then maybe - just maybe - will you gain the slightest modicum of sympathy from the likes of me.
Because it's precisely due to 'gaybashers' like you , that straight , but pro-LGBT people like me have no sympathy for the likes of poor old you, not allowed to 'gaybash' any more. Glove's on the other foot now, eh?
And I'm not the only straight person who is pro-LGBT too. New generations who reject the old - and unjustifiable - attitudes of their predecessors. Or they simply 'support the underdog '. Andy Schaftafly, take note.
Either way - more straight people becoming pro -LGBT, or due to forced Political Correctness via anti-discrimination legislation - your ways are dying .
Oh really? Does any of this sound familiar?
- Gays will demand entry to our churches!
- Next they'll be wanting to marry children/animals/pillows!
- Straight marriages will be destroyed!
- They'll recruit children!
- The population will drop disastrously because of all the same-sex marriages!
- They'll be showing gay porn on television and my kids and I will have to watch it!
- God will smite us!
All of your sides' arguments depend on irrational, hysterical, superstitious fear. Heck, you don't even have the courage to admit that you are afraid! The shoe very much fits! Wear it proudly!
First off, I call bullshit on you not hating homosexuals. Comparing a human being to a nasty virus kind of gives that away. Second, there is no medicine to make homosexuals 'go away'. Third, calling a bigot a bigot isn't heterophobia.
if they said they don't understand how anyone can hate homosexuality, the metaphor would at least work. but they said they can't understand how anyone can hate a homosexual. i think it was an honest mistake on their part, because they just hate homosexuals so much.
Hate is the fuel that drives Bible God. It doesn't matter where the hate comes from. It can be hatred of homosexuals, hatred of women, hatred of atheists, Liberals, commies, Muslims, sex, fun, etc. Bible God just thrives on your hatred however it is derived.
As I've tried to inform you before, I don't understand how anyone can "hate" a negro. That's like hating the flu. It would be better if you could just take some medicine and hope it goes away. Still, it looks more like you suffer greatly from hatred of the white race, as anyone who has anything of a negative comment or appears "white" to your way of thinking, you sooner or later redact logic and rely on labels, your favorites, “racist” and “bigot.” Even when the “shoe doesn’t fit.”
No, hating homosexuals is like hating heterosexuals. The flu is a potentially dangerous disease. Homosexuals are less dangerous than heterosexuals. After all, more homosexuals are harmed or killed by heterosexuals, than the other way around.
I'm heterosexual myself, so I don't suffer, greatly or otherwise, from heterophobia. Anything of a negative comment appears bigoted to my way of thinking. The shoe fits very well, on you.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Interrogitave
Well, then what about the other shoe? Slippers? mocs?
I'm sorry, this whole thing is stunned beyond repair.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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