i think ziak is spread by our disobediance to our Lord jesus crhist may us all bow to him and keep God inn our prayers so we do not contract this horrible zika virus
Or we could, y'know, try modern medicine and modern insect-abatement procedures like draining wet things that mosquitoes like. Just a thought, you never know. If that doesn't work we can all make a gourd rattle filled with old chicken bones, and dance aroundr the yard in a circle. It can't hurt, and it has been scienterrifically proved to be as effective as prayer.
Tell that to thousands of Latin Americans who were Catholics (or Pentecostals or other Protestants, which are huge in Latin America). Zika doesn't give a fuck what religion you are, you get infected, God won't save you, you are infected with Zika.
Retardation is spread by your obedience to your Lard.
...Jesus Christ. May we all bow our heads in shame as all English teachers weep, so we do not contract this horrible inferiority virus.
"Tell that to thousands of Latin Americans who were Catholics (or Pentecostals or other Protestants, which are huge in Latin America). Zika doesn't give a fuck what religion you are, you get infected, God won't save you, you are infected with Zika."
I bet Mo Farah (as will the rest of Team GB) will have mosquito repellent, come the 2016 Rio De Janeiro Olympics. He's a Muslim . Enjoy your paradox, kinkinyourbrain. [/Mister Spak]
Spell-checking is your friend, dearie.
"disobediance to our Lord jesus"[sic]? Is that why the Catholic countries of South and Central America have been hit hard with the Zika virus, but the north-western European countries haven't got a single little Zika virus?
our Lord jesus crhist
If you're going to capitalize "Lord," then why not go that extra pious mile and capitalize "jesus c[hr]ist" while you're at it?
And please try to spell Christ correctly. Rumor has it Jesus is a real grammar nazi and gets really really pissed when people misspell his name and/or title online.
may us all bow to him and keep God inn our prayers so we do not contract this horrible zika virus
Amen? Where's the "Amen"? No prayer without a closing Amen. Can we have an Amen please? By your score you're pretty much on your way to Hell at the moment.
@ Thinking Allowed
"It's heavy Catholic. According to Jerry, they're satanists."
I was told quite bluntly and in a matter-of-fact manner last year by a 'born-again' Jerryite, that my faithful and devout Catholic mother is 'highly likely' to be burning in hell for the sin of being a Catholic.
As an agnostic, I could have just laughed at his hatefulness, but my love for my mother and my Irish Catholic upbringing meant that this pos was extremely, extremely, lucky he did not get a 4 by 2 wrapped around his head. If I had done that, my teaching career would most definitely be over. I walked away seething.
I got in his face the following morning in a quiet school corridor and politely told him what I thought of him. Despite him being 30 years my junior and 20 kilos heavier than me, he must have seen the anger in my eyes because I could see fear in his eyes.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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