Angel #fundie
[Can't you see how convoluted this explanation is? You're beginning with your conclusion and working backwards, which is the method used by a believer and not a scientist.]
I am stating my conclusion to you, and working backwards. When I thought of this process, I worked forward in a step-wise manner.
All pieces of the puzzle must be carefully examined if you are initially given a completed puzzle.
As an example, Einstein may have been working on Energy and he may have calculated the product of mc^2 first.
Knowing the product and knowing the weight of the matter he was working with, Einstein may have calculated backwards to find "what value" times that amount of matter would give him that amount of Energy.
Therefore, working backwards, Einstein may have played around with the equation until he found speed of light squared was the missing link.
Or Einstein may have known the speed of light, but that value did not work in his equation. Einstein, therefore, may have doubled the speed of light and that didn't work either, and as a result of a few failures, he may have ultimately squared the speed of light. Once Einstein squared the speed of light that solved his problem. Einstein easily could have worked backwards.
Having the value for the speed of light squared, Einstein then would have been able to show E = mc^2.
Yet, Einstein may have found his formula by working either forward or backward.