Women fantasize about serial killers, sex with gorillas, being raped etc every day. Yet it’s male sexuality that is demonized and criminalized to an ever greater extent. It’s legal for women to buy on Amazon dildos shaped like dog cocks or chimpanzee penises or other animals, yet men can get years in prison (where they will likely be beaten and raped) for purchasing sex dolls that are judged to look under 18. Complimenting a woman’s beauty in the street is now illegal in many places, even looking ‘lavaciously’ at a woman can be. The latest femihag idea doing the rounds is that a man merely thinking about sex with a woman is committing ‘thought rape’ unless the woman has consented to be thought about in a sexual way. This may be laughable now, but very soon the State will have the power to increasingly look into the minds of ‘suspects’ using brain scanning technology.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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