The implication is clear: God is not finished with America. In recent years, we've seen vitriolic attacks on the biblical foundations of our nation, but from her founding through recent years, America has been the nation that, while far from perfect, has stood for truth and helped lead the way in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ by sending missionaries around the world.
Christians: Spreading guilt, hate, misogyny, racism, ignorance, scientific and sexual illiteracy is not doing the rest of the world any favors.
Knock it the fuck off. No one wants it but you.
And once again, we see that fundies cannot do research.
Oh, and the world at large is becoming more secular. Deal with it.
"biblical foundations"
So I suppose the Roman Catholic Church, the Spanish, Portuguese,French, and British Empires played no part (for good or ill) in the global spread of Christianity.
America has been the nation that, while far from perfect, has stood for truth and helped lead the way in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ by sending missionaries around the world.
And that's what makes us far from perfect.
"has stood for truth and helped lead the way in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ by sending missionaries around the world."
Has sending troops around the world to shock and awe the natives part of that gospel-spreading?
"lead the way in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ by sending missionaries around the world."
Did you happen to notice that it wasn't the government doing that? You can't say America lead the way in spreading the gospel(which isn't good news at all by the way), certain Americans spread the gospel, not America!
Like it or not, we are a secular nation and its like that for a reason. To protect your right to practice your religion and to protect my right to not practice yours or any religion as well as not being made an outcast in this government made up of the people because I am not religous.
Simple concepts but concepts people such as yourself tend to not understand. People like you tend to want America to be a christian version of Iran. Sorry but I will fight you to the death to prevent that.
"Yep, 'Doctor' indeed."
Hey now! There's nothing wrong with getting a Doctor of Divinity degree and calling yourself "Doctor"!
Missionaries are a mixed bag. On the one hand, you get the ones that genuinely want to help people and if they bring a few more people to their religion, all the better. Then you have the assholes that cause more harm than good by spreading diseases, dangling food and clothing as an incentive to convert, spreading hate, and the good old fashioned conversion by the sword (gun). Some take advantage of the native people and some cause them to have to waste resources serving a spoiled American that demands a first class lifestyle in a third world country. For all the good missionaries there are equally bad missionaries and none of what they do is so unique that nobody else can do it. And there are more and more people who help others even without religious baggage attached to the help.
Doctor, indeed.
What keeps the US far from perfect is the intentionally engineered social & financial inequalities, & the fact that it's filled with flawed people, like any other country. We also have the burden of living with republicans & teabaggers.
Do not try to paint all Americans with your little missionary/bible banger brush. I'd sooner lick the parrot cage than do that. You can take your phony doctorate & shove it up your ass.
Recent years? The 1770s and 1780s were not recent. And considering where we are, if god is not finished, what's next? An even better economy? An end to bigotries? Really you did not think this through. Also those missionairies were done through churches. Not government
The implication is clear: God is not finished with America.
God wasn't involved to begin with, dummy! This country was founded as a secular Democratic-Republic!
"The implication is clear: God is not finished with America. "
How could you possibly know this? Wouldn't you need to know the mind of god to know whether he is finished or not?
Wouldn't saying you know the mind of god make you, um, I don't know.....
The implication [2014 election of Republicans] is clear: God is not finished with America.
So what was the implication in 2012? Apparently, your God is a moron who can't make a decision and stick to it for two years in a row.
"America has been the nation that, while far from perfect, has stood for truth and helped lead the way in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ by sending missionaries around the world."
America doesn't send missionaries because the United States is an officially secular nation. American churches send missionaries, but they do not get support in this endeavor from the government. Try again.
@ Insult to Rocks (#1731046):
God Vs America, the Grudge Match, now on pay per view.
I'll take America and lay the six points.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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