LiebeLiveDeVille #wingnut
This man is Tucker Carlson. He's an anchor on the conservative news station Fox News, and host of "Tucker Carlson Tonight". And as I type this, he is the victim of a hate crime. As I type this, an angry mob formed in front of his house and made the most vile threats imaginable. The hate mob, formed by Antifa, also vandalized his property and shouted him down, threatening to barge into his house and physically harm him. His story is just one of many high-profile doxxing cases regarding anchors from Fox News. Him, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, and many more have been doxxed by the radical left, and groups such as Antifa, which is the single biggest inciter of politically-motivated violence in America. Ironic, isn't it? A group that claims to be "anti-fascist", LITERALLY using violence to shut down and bully their opposition? That's textbook fascism. Antifa is like a modern counterpart of Hitler's "Brownshirts", a group of people who did these same exact things when the Nazis rose to power in the 1930s.
Doxxing is a disgusting practice, no matter what side of the spectrum it comes from. I offer my deepest and most sincere condolences to Mr. Carlson and his family, and you guys are in my prayers.