various commenters #transphobia

The TQ changes everything


spoilerLGB activism: Your kids are fine
just the way they are. You don't have
to be concerned if they're gender
activism: Your children
are defective & we're here to correct
their abnormalities with drugs,
clothing, accessories & multiple

( DurableBook )
LGB: "It gets better."

QT: "It will never get better unless you get hormones and surgery and convince literally everyone to see you as the opposite sex, forever, and a single person failing to comply will drive you to suicide."

( Bubsy3D )
LGB defining conversion therapy as: torture aimed to change the person

TQ defining conversion therapy as: absence of torture aimed to change the person

( BillyPilgrim )
I was so confused when I read about people being outraged at laws banning conversion therapy. I thought it was religious groups trying to pray the gay away.

( Unicorn )
What's messed up is when liberal states ban conversion therapy by merging in gay and gender identity as types of conversion therapy into one law. This happened in Washington state.

I fully support banning gay conversion therapy; leave gay people alone, there is nothing wrong with being gay.

However, "gender conversion therapy" is nonsense. Now therapists in Washington state can lose their license and get fined thousands if they do not "affirm" a patient's gender identity.

( MissBehaved )
LGB TQ: Your children are defective & we're here to correct their abnormalities with drugs, clothing, accessories & multiple surgeries.

( BorealForest )
If instead of telling children to accept their homosexuality, you tell them to reject it and embark on a pursuit for something that is physically impossible to achieve but results in permanent physical and psychological damage, in a disgusting attempt to supposedly fix themselves so that they won't be homosexual anymore, you're the bigot.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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