You know the oldest tree in the world is in Southern California, a bristle cone pine tree, it is 4,300 years old. That is an old tree, but I have a question. If the earth is millions of years old, why do we not have an older tree someplace? Why is the oldest tree 4,300 years old? Well, I have a theory about that. Here is my theory, I believe about 6,000 years ago, God created the heaven and the earth; 4,400 years ago there was a Flood that destroyed the world, so the oldest tree should be less than 4,400 years old. It is! Amazing!
The Methuselah Tree was 4,800 years old when cut down. You lose.
I forgot to mention the Prometheus Tree which was over 5,000 years old.
Oh, yes. I want to second that you look up the clonal colony mentioned by DontLookBehindYou.
I don't. He infects so many minds with his fiction that a large tract of people are unable to think outside the tiny babble box.
The idea that anything that isn't in the babble is false will rule and ruin lives. It's so tempting to say he ought to be injuncted to STFU
I fell no pity for him at alleither. He knows what he spouts is crap: even groups like Answers in Genesis have pointed it out. No, he's happy to lie, cheat and steal, in fact I doubt he's even a Christian. He's in it for the money, pure and simple.
OK, so many other preachers are too but he's particularly blatant about it, hence his current residence.
And I have a theory, which is my theory, and it is mine. Ahem. That is to say this theory, which is my theory actually IS the theory which is mine. Ahem. Ahem. Now this theory of mine goes like this. Here it goes...I'm now going to tell you my theory.
and so on . . .
I tried reading the site it track-backed to and my head asplode.
Like this quote, which maybe deserves a submission of its own:
"So, let’s look at a few more facts from science here. The galaxies are spinning. They are turning around. But the stars in the middle of the galaxies are going faster than the stars at the outside, which means if the galaxies were billions of years old, they would have lost their spiral shape and yet all of them are spiral shaped galaxies. So if their trying to tell you that stars are billions of years old, they are simply mistaken they cannot possibly be, they had to be created."
The oldest living tree. And everything that lives dies. You know, I don't know how old the oldest person in the world right now, is, but I'm betting they're probably not over 120. Does that mean the earth is only 120 years old?
Some of the older trees in fact got sucked into the swamps, which prevented them from biodegrading, and allowed them to become coal. So, if you'll permit me:
We have the fossil fuels. We win.
Dear Kent,
You are an idiot.
Djoser, Imhotep, Sneferu, Khufu, Khafra, Userkhaf and various other dignitaries from the Old Kingdom, 3rd through 8th dynasty.
Cause we all know how water damaged those pyramids are....
Uh-oh. Sister Kent says "You know..." and that means, break out the waders. As has been pointed out, Sister Kent's knowledge is both sparse and outdated.
Conjecture =/= theory. This bullshit scarcely qualifies as conjecture.
Have you ever noticed that the fundies don't know the difference between a scientific theory and a hypothesis?
They think the word "theory" is used with the layman's definition of theory, which connotes that is just an opinion or a belief. Since they don't (or won't) deal with empirical evidence or the scientific method, they think they can change our "opinions" and "beliefs" by refuting them and replacing them with other "opinions" and "beliefs". Apples and oranges- faith based religion where you just have to "feel good" about something, versus actual science, where you have to prove something right.
They confuse theories with mere opinion and belief. As for me, I'd rather know things based on empirical evidence rather than just believe something that I merely "feel good about".
I have held some ridiculous opinions about things when I was younger, but I have since learned better.
I think true wisdom includes knowing your shortcomings and fallibilities- fundies refuse to see this.
"They confuse theories with mere opinion and belief."
Fundies pull shit out of their ass and call it proof. They can't conceive of any other way of thinking, so when a scientist says 'theory' they perceive it as a sciency form of pulling shit out of your ass.
Of course, had we come forward with a hundred thousand tree cores that showed a hundred thousand seasons of growth, you'd just claim that:
(a) Seasons were shorter in the past.
(b) God made the trees with the appearance of age.
(c) The data was faked.
(d) There's no proof that the number of rings are linked to the age of the tree.
Because what are you Kent?
This is an old one. I remember hearing it at one of his seminars as a young kid. He always repeated the same old stuff at every seminar... even when other creationists abandoned some arguments because they had been undeniably refuted, Hovind still continued to use them because they sounded good to his brainwashed toadies who didn't know any better and kept the cash donations coming.
And to the person who said Kent Hovind went to medical school: HE DID NOT. He has a "doctorate" in "Christian education."
Well, since the oldest people are like 100 years old or something, and not thousands, like the creationists say, I have a theory.
The invisible pink unicorn farted everything into existence at least 100 years ago.
These are a few trunks of Pando, a Quaking Aspen that has lived for 80,000 years (mentioned above). Each trunk is only ~130 years old, but every one of them grew out of the common root system of the plant - this is a clonal colony. Other aspen colonies are up to 1 million years old.
Then there are animals that don't age at all, and bacterial spores that have been dormant for millions of years and then brought back to life.
Your Argument Is Invalid.
I can't believe no one else pointed out this beauty in the very next sentence:
Now, I would not put a whole lot of stock in tree ring dating because sometimes trees produce several rings a year, for the same reason the ice got several rings a year; you might have different seasons within one year. So pre-ring dating is not an exact science, but sure we will use it if it is what the Bible says.
So he is basically flat-out admitting to the fact that he will happily use rubbish science methods so long as they match the Biblical account of creation.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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