Frank Jones #psycho #racist
RE: How Racism and Discrimination Affect Black People in China and Hong Kong
Li Yao-tai, an assistant professor at Baptist University, has researched how the colonial legacy in Hong Kong – highlighting the value of whiteness and English proficiency – has affected the city’s labour market.
Good grief it has been over 20 years since Prince Charles sailed out of Hong Kong for the last time.
Even before reading the article I knew it would get to blaming Whites. I think we need to learn to accept the reality that coloreds of whatever non-White hue are simply not fully human. The notion of a common humanity is a White derived idea anyway, and now that we have experience with other groups we must disregard that idea as a fiction. Fully actualized people take responsibility for what they do, say and think. These people need Whites to blame because they cannot imagine existing otherwise.
Blacks will quickly find out that only American Whites care about Blacks “feelings”, no one else cares.
I remember seeing a map of the "global" protests following the George Floyd suicide. The map almost perfectly coincided with US cultural/military hegemony. The vast majority of the planet outside this sphere of influence was never bothered in the slightest.