various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Nature_and_Race )
Jews are inherently anti-White, in the same way that hyenas are inherently anti-lion.
It's not a choice. It's a genetic compulsion.
( @ironcrossman )
@Nature_and_Race i hope you fucking die slowly, cumstain, for every christian is a jew at heart
( @Invalid_Entry )
@ironcrossman @Nature_and_Race let me check my heart for the hatred of Whites and the love of pedophilia, cannibalism, and human sacrifice .. hmmm yeah sorry no molech worshipping here.
( @LilBobbyD )
@ironcrossman oy vey, you smell like a kike @Nature_and_Race
( @Bluewashin )
@Nature_and_Race there are Jews in isreal and all over the world who are becoming Christian’s! They are our brothers & sisters in Christ now
( @Unknownusername1988 )
@Bluewashin @Nature_and_Race
They can be our brothers and sisters away from White countries.
( @MeinBlutIstMeineKraft )
@Bluewashin @Nature_and_Race Conversos will turn on you the second they can, religion is a poor substitution for race.
( @turtleswolverine )
@Bluewashin @Nature_and_Race this is just not true. Jews spit on Christians in Israel and throw eggs at their churches. They hate Christianity.
( @Jagdpanzer )
@Bluewashin They become nominal "Christians" to exert control over the direction of the religion. They subvert it. How do you think Christian churches became so "woke" recently? They have almost identical "values" to Reform Judaism, and that wasn't by accident. That's the work of your "jewish converts".
( @Jack0Neill2Ls )
@Nature_and_Race I've always said this. Kikes gonna kike. For us to ignore our better nature and not expell them is what is unnatural. Their presence is because we allow it. We have our own inner jew that must be extinguished and when we as a people reject what they offer (degeneracy in all its forms) then our hearts are ready for the last and final jewish expulsion and the Final Reich that will reign 1,000 years.
( @Henrysavage101 )
@Nature_and_Race 'Jews are inherently anti-White, in the same way that hyenas are inherently anti-lion.
It's not a choice. It's a genetic compulsion'
Racial consciousness
its not a culture, its not a religion IT IS WHAT THEY EVOLVED TO DO!
@Nature_and_Race Obviously you are pro Black with as you have the same mentality as a Nigger.