[Regarding the death of Cassie Bernall at Columbine]
"Millions have been 'touched by a martyr,'" her pastor, the Rev. George Kirsten, told his congregation this past Sunday. He shared a vision youth pastor Dave McPherson received while ministering to the Bernalls: "I saw Cassie, and I saw Jesus, hand in hand. And they had just gotten married. They had just celebrated their marriage ceremony. And Cassie kind of winked over at me like, 'Dave, I'd like to talk, but I'm so much in love.' Her greatest prayer was to find the right guy. Don't you think she did?" And while Kirsten works to console his grieving congregation over Cassie's loss, he sees the girl's murder as an opportunity to save more souls. "Pack that ark with as many people as possible," he says.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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