DirtyCurryCell #racist incels.is

[Serious] [OffTopic] Why China will ultimately lose to India

Because India is so fucking disgusting and degenerative, that everyone who tried to reform it has only ended up contributing to the degeneracy. The Moghuls tried to do it, and their descendants are shitting on the streets and asking for bobs n vagane, and bragging about their heritage. The Europeans tried to do it, and their descendants are shitting on the streets and asking for bobs n vagane, and bragging about their heritage. The reason India has stood while Rome, Egypt, Mesopotamia and the rest fell is BECAUSE India is so degenerate.

Everyone single curry is so self-hating that their use any opportunity to brag about their non-curry ancestry.

"I am 1/1024th European/Arab/Chinese/Moghul."
-Every Curry Ever

JFL if any chink think they can take over India through fiscal means. Here's how it will pay us.

Chink: Kneel before us.
Pajeet: Yes, saar.
Chink: Why are you being so submissive?
Pajeet: Saar, you're from glorious china. Defeater of Uyghuri terrorism, and protector of Buddhism.

Chink's descendants: Ni hao dear bitch lasagna show bobs n vagane



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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