(Constitutional Amendment proposal)
"The United States is a Christian Nation. Congress shall make no law abridging the free exercise of all Christian religions, nor make law giving preference of one Christian denomination over another Christian denomination, nor giving preference of one Christian sect over another Christian sect. This amendment replaces the religion clause of the first amendment and supersedes all treaties as relevant to this amendment."
Hahahahahahaha...this is a very succinct summary of what Christians want to be on the books when they say that they want church-state separation removed. And I pray to Vishnu that this intolerant, self-serving, blatant vie for a theocratic republic will never even cross the minds of the most deranged within the walls of Congress...
"The United States is a Harrian Nation. Congress shall make no law abridging the free exercise of all Harrian religions, nor make law giving preference of one Harrian denomination over another Harrian denomination, nor giving preference of one Harrian sect over another Harrian sect. This amendment replaces the religion clause of the first amendment and supersedes all treaties as relevant to this amendment."
I knew I could fix it.
"The United States is a Christian Nation."
I'm sure it's already been mentioned but: Treaty of Tripoli, bitch.
"Congress shall make no law abridging the free exercise of all Christian religions, nor make law giving preference of one Christian denomination over another Christian denomination, nor giving preference of one Christian sect over another Christian sect."
Uh, there's kinda sorta already something like that now. You know, separation of Church and State. You guys froth at the mouth over that yet you propose essentially the exact same thing. How strange.
"This amendment replaces the religion clause of the first amendment and supersedes all treaties as relevant to this amendment."
Yeah. Good luck with that.
(Constitutional Amendment proposal)
"The United States is a Christian Nation. Congress shall make no law abridging the free exercise of all Christian religions, nor make law giving preference of one Christian denomination over another Christian denomination, nor giving preference of one Christian sect over another Christian sect. This amendment replaces the religion clause of the first amendment and supersedes all treaties as relevant to this amendment."
Right now James Maddison, Bejamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington are vomiting in rage until the liver bile spews from their nostrils.
Right now I am viewing a firearms catalogue and making a purchasing decision...just in case this amendment ever makes it onto the books. I have no intention of being a victim of this New Salem/North American Inquisition you guys are angling for without at least making sure you f***ers remember me for a good long time. I've never owned a firearm (apart from a small .22 bolt action rifle my dad used when I was a kid to teach me gun safety) in my life but reading this has made acquiring one seem quite urgent.
By the by: I've got a PDF copy of the Malleus Malificarum if the New Inquisition should require a refresher course.
If I remember correctly you are already free to exercise christian religion (or any other religion you adhere to) as long as you don´t interfere with the freedom of others to live their lives as they wish or do anything illegal.
Don´t think this will change unless it becomes common practice for you, to covnert people at gunpoint or indulge in the tradition of hunting and burning witches ;)
Please let this be a Poe....
Oh, fuck me sideways with a wrought-iron fence, it's real!
Unless you're going to set me up with a better standard of living in a secular country, I'm not leaving the USA and I'm not becoming a Christian.
You can worship on your own territory as much as you want.
We even let you solicit door-to-door.
But we will not ever be a Christian nation.
all hail Harry
Harry sees all
Harry knows all
we are not worthy
Yep I can go with that
Yeah buddy, good luck getting that ratified.
And if it does, expect most of the intelligent people in the USA to leave for Europe and Australia.
I can just imagine the next step down this road a couple of decades from its institution:
(Constitutional Amendment proposal)
"The United States is a <insert christian denomination> Nation. Congress shall make no law abridging the free exercise of <insert christian denomination>, nor make law giving preference of one member of <insert christian denomination> over another member. This amendment replaces the religion clause of the first amendment and supersedes all treaties as relevant to this amendment."
No. The United States is not a christian nation. It is a nation without a state religion. It is a nation where every citizen has the right and freedom to choose and practice their own religion. Or, to practice no religion.
You fail at history, politics and basic comprehension.
You must be proud.
The United States is a Secular Nation. Congress shall make no law abridging the free exercise of all religions, nor make law giving preference of one denomination over another denomination, nor giving preference of one sect over another sect. This amendment replaces the religion clause of the first amendment and supersedes all treaties as relevant to this amendment.
-easily fix'd
"This amendment..... supersedes all treaties as relevant to this amendment."
This clause was most likely inserted to directly counter the Treaty of Tripoli. So the author of this proposal probably knew about it already,
Fuck you. Why can't you just let other people believe what they want? I'm Christian, and I don't have a problem with other people believing what they want. Jesus never forced anyone to believe what he said, nor did he ever tell us to force people to believe in Him. WWJD?
You know what? I'm usually hesitant about telling people to leave the country just because they hold an opinion contrary to my own, but...
The First Amendment is one of the most important (I actually think the Second Amendment is the most important, but let's not get into that) ones in our society today. Without it, the US wouldn't be anything like it is today. Your amendment runs completely contrary to American values.
If you don't like the country's values, then fucking leave. I'll pay your travel fees.
Well, this is progress. At least some of them recognize that the current Constitution doesn't support the notion that this country is a christian institution, thus the need for the proposed amendment.
Good luck with that (well, not really).
So..."freedom of religion" becomes "freedom of Christianity, and fuck all the rest."
Hint: Limited freedom is not freedom...not that you care, just thought I'd point it out.
Okay, now that we read the revision from an fundie theocratic fascist, let's refer to the actual First Amendment :
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
This is funny. The reich loves to talk about how their doing the work of the Founding Fathers, but now want to override the freedom ensuring policies in the name of christian theocracy.
If you don't like it here, leave. I'm sure the Middle East would love your ultra-reich, anti-freedom ideologies.
But of course, Catholics are not REAL Christians, neither are Methodists, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Mormons, Amish, Quakers, Unitarians, or Prebyterians.
Guess what? You are now in a minority - deal with it bitch.
If passed, would result in refugee camps in Canada and Mexico, collapse of social infrastructure and the invasion and takeover of America by Haiti.
I suggest that you save time and have this amendment translated into French.
“Congress shall make no law abridging the free exercise of all Christian religions”
And if the Catholics then gain control of the government, and decide that ONLY religions that listen to The Pope are actually Christain?
Or the Mormons buy the government and decide only religions that use unfermented grape joice for communions are Christains?
Or the baptists defining christain by listing individual congregations? (The church at Main and Third streets, Wendell Corners Ohio; the storefront at the Possley Shopping Center, Framingham; etc.)
You just don’t realize how much the 1st Amendment protects YOU fuckers, do you?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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