@twitone #transphobia twitter.com

Hello I'm one of these "trans activists" and here are my insane demands:

- I want to be able to carry on using the toilets I do already

- I want access to healthcare for me and my friends

- I want the 4x rise in hate crimes to be addressed

- I want you to leave us alone

Toilets are assigned to people on the basis of sex- nothing else. Sex-specific facilities provide safety & dignity required for many including girls away from home & women in prison, even when TRAs object to them benefiting from basic human rights. Oh, and define Trans

If you want to be “left alone” lead by example and leave women’s spaces for women. If you need specialist services or spaces, make them. Women’s work is not for any man to take by force or coercion.

Is name calling a “Hate crime”? What crimes are you alluding to?

The NHS is struggling for funds and staff, but if you have a medical condition that needs treatment, why would you and your friends be excluded?

Bear in mind, it is being argued that sex ≠ gender & a diagnosis of “gender dysphoria” is not needed for a person to call themselves trans. Being Trans is no longer a mental health issue. Being trans does not require any physical change. Being trans does not need “healthcare”.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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