"Look at you liberals"
PROTIP: In Japan, the Liberal Democrats are the Conservatives. In Russia, the Liberal Democrats are the Hardline Nationalists.. In Australia, the Liberal Democrats are that country's equivalent of the Repubicans in the US.
So there's your supposed 'insult' - and argument - completely annihilated.
"Worshipping Science like you should worship God."
(From a thread in 4chan's /b/, in 2007):
'People believe in science because science works.
When your religion is able to teach you how to design and build any object that you can see around you (and if you live in a city, the only non man-made object your eyes can see right now are probably plants if you have any and possibly the sky if you don't live in a basement), then wake me up.
When your religion performs one single life-saving miracle (unlike medicine which, founded upon science, manage to actually do this, and on a daily basis), wake me up.
In fact, simply by writing on this forum, you have faith in the underlying engineering and science that makes the internet work to make it possible for other people to read it.
So if you actually don't believe that science works, please kindly stop using anything that exists thanks to science, and go live in a muddy hole in the ground and eat bugs and roots or something.
Otherwise, you just come up as the most fucked up hypocrite ever.
Also, no-one ever said that what we call science is a complete and exact description of how the universe works. Knowing that we don't know is the very reason we can learn things and is why the scientific method works, but since you religion fags have thrown logic out the window a long time ago, you can't comprehend that.'
From 4chan's /b/:
'I love it when godfags try to use science to disprove someones opinion that there is no god. Listen godfags, one of the things you fail to realize is that science has a built in system to keep it in check. It's called the scientific method. I'll cut to the chase. What you quoted are "theories" they do require that we test them. Upon testing you can say if it's been proven or not. Religion on the other hand does not. It's has "dogma" which means "STFU don't question anything get back in line you fucking noob". So as you can see that does not allow for one to seek out truth now does it? Why not try to hold your same level of requirement of proof that you put science to? Because it would endanger your precious belief system and put your faith at risk. And you can't have that now can you?'
"Telling yourselves lies until you confuse them for truth."
When asked by Pontius Pilate 'What is Truth?', Jesus couldn't answer. Who are you to dare to presume you know more than your 'Saviour'?
Not even the Bible - the supposed 'Word of God' - can give an exact, precise, Oxford English Dictionary-esque definition of the word. Now, doesn't that in itself conclusively prove that the Bible isn't the 'inspired' 'Word of God', but the ramblings of a bunch of Bronze Age goatfuckers with ideas above their stations? Surely in his 'inspiring' of said authors, he could at least have given them 'inspiration' to exactly, precisely define 'Truth'? If he was as 'omniscient', never mind 'omnipotent' as you lot claim he is...?
...but then, if he's as 'omnipotent' as you claim he is, then he wouldn't have needed said human authors to 'inspire', but simply poofed his 'Word' into existence, just like he did with the universe, this world & all the life on it - but not Adam & Eve in the same way, funnily enough. [/Fridge Logic] [/sarcasm]
'If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it'
-Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Propaganda Minister
Hitler was a Christian. A Creationist too. [/Godwin]
'The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist'
The greatest trick humanity ever played on itself was convincing people that a 'God' did exist.
'I know it's absolutely true, because the Bible is always absolutely true.'
Harold Camping
22nd May/October 2011 proved him wrong. But the Bible is always right, amirite? Perfect. Flawless. Inerrant. But if it's open to 'interpretation', just as Harold Camping did - and fact: it was humans who wrote the Bible, not God; and humans are imperfect, flawed, and make errors - then, therefore...!
Matthew 24:36. But if the Bible itself can't give exact, precise information on when said 'Apocalypse/Second Coming' will happen, down to the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, nanosecond; even down to precise GPS data on where it'll start, then why should the Bible be trusted re. If it'll happen? [/Spartan Laconic Wit]. Thus what Jesus says himself - in Matthew 24:36 (emphasis added):
'Of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my father only.'
Destroys the credibility of the Bible too. Jesus - one part of the Trinity - and God himself in human form; and isn't the Trinity supposed to be one, even though in three parts, therefore by definition, a gestalt intelligence, or 'collective consciousness'; what one part knows, thus all know (rather like "Star Trek"'s Borg, or "Battle Beyond the Stars"' Nestor)? Jesus himself admits that he doesn't know when it'll happen. Therefore, if he doesn't know, ergo he's not God, thus not only is the 'Trinity' & Christian doctrine rendered completely invalid, but the basis of Christianity itself - and therefore everything claimed by it's believers; 'Truth' - is destroyed. QED.
In conclusion:
@Pule Thamex
'Don't cry little one. There's no way that you can ever show any evidence for the existence of God, so you'll just have to live with it and think up lots and lots of completely daft apologetics or resort to the telling of blatant lies for the eternal lack of evidence. Of course you could try and get everyone to kowtow to your dogmas by the use of brainwashing and threats of violence, like the Islamics do. But then everyone would see Christianity for what it truly is, a hideous cover for the criminal and evil beings who control their followers.
The reason why you can't ever show any evidence for God's existence is because God is a completely man-made idea and He doesn't really exist. Really, you're following the word of a low-life human who seeks only to raise his lowly self up above those he considers to be gullible simpletons, dimwits like you.'