DangerBadger #racist #sexist incels.is

Venting Being a blackcel is the worst

I'm 5'5" and black with autism and I don't have a bbc. My face is pretty strange looking, I'm below average about maybe a 3.5/10. I have existed in this world for 18 years without ever being so much as looked at by women. I'm not stereotypically black so I don't listen to rap, trap, or hip hop music. I listen to metal, so people see me as being weird or a unicorn based on that. I speak in ASE(American Standard English) instead of AAVE(African American Vernacular English). I don't have any friends. People of all races think you're weird for not being stereotypically black enough. When you're black it's a lose-lose situation, socially. You're gonna be disliked by a decent sum of people for being stereotypically black. You will also be disliked by "liberal" people(especially cringy libtard white girls) who think they're cool with black people for not being stereotypically black enough. When you're black you're always treated as a general representative of your race and what that should look like. So if you aren't a tall thugmaxxed low inhib black man with a big dick or a light skinned/mixed Chad then you're pretty much treated as a failure.

I've been called Uncle Tom and Oreo for not acting Black too. The Black Community is a hivemind tbh, If you don't conform you get outcasted.

Yeah. Many people in the black community subscribe to a certain way of living and thinking. This is what they call "being black enough" and if you don't act "black enough" then they shun you. A lot of these people are also the same people who get angry and upset when people of other races stereotype black people even though they stereotype other black people themselves.



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