"There is nothing loving about sex." "Having sex without horniness is a greater expression of love. Sex is self-satisfying, but not meant for pleasure."
[Note: emphasis that of source web page.]
"Having sex without horniness is a greater expression of love."
Um, how the fucking hell is any man supposed to have sex without arousal being involved? I mean, sure Fr. Marx is celibate, but that doesn't mean he has the right to be totally ignorant about how his own penis works! Or does he not understand what the slang term "horny" actually means?
"Sex is self-satisfying, but not meant for pleasure."
Paschal Wagner, you're probably not wrong. I think Fr. Marx really means that this only applies to women, since it's physically impossible for a man to have sex without first being aroused. It's another take on that Catholic pro-birth shit about sex only being for procreation, and the only pleasure you should get out of it, you sinful slut, is the thought of another child.
What are the odds that this fuckwit is a virgin? I'm sorry, but when you have never had sex in your life, you are NOT qualified to tell other people how to have sex, you monstrously stupid douchebag.
Sex. Is. Fun.
That is all.
Father, you have presumably not had sex. I have. Believe me, sex is loving, sex is more loving when you're horny for each other and in love than when you're not horny and/or not in love, and it is one of the most mutually satisfying, pleasurable experiences on the planet.
If sex was not meant to be pleasurable, it wouldn't be the overwhelming, natural pleasure ingrained in 99% of the people on the planet.
You fail, sir. You fail so damned hard.
"Ah, Father, Father, Father, we told you that you're not on the program. Now get away from that microphone."
"If prostitutes with strap-ons have taught us anything, it is that sex without arousal is totally possible."
I must have missed that lesson. *moanwhimpersigh*
Oh, you mean she's the one who isn't aroused?
Ummm... *blushes* ...never mind, then. Move along, nothing to see here, folks.
>> Having sex without horniness is a greater expression of love.
"We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now. There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science."
Sounds familiar?
Okay, maybe that doesn't sound familiar. Here's a joke, from Soviet Russia, on how the new sex education book began:
"Dear children! There are three kinds of love. The first kind of love is between men and women, and we believe it's too early to tell you about that. The second kind of love is between parents and their children, and since everyone is already familiar with it, we don't believe we need to explain it any further. The third kind of love is between the People and the Communist Party, and that is the topic the rest of this book is devoted to..."
(Insert a random stray Nietzsche quote about becoming the monster you try to fight)
I don't think that is entirely possible. How would you have sex without being erect?
No wonder fundy women are so crazy, they aren't getting any.
Yeah, a sexless fellow in a frilly gown is the ultimate authority on sex.
Too bad, Fodder, you'll never know what you're missing.
I just sincerely feel really, awefully sorry for you. First, because you are Fr. Marx, and second, because your religion sucks the joy out of life. Why live at all? And why follow that joy-sucking gawd? I, for one, OWN MY HORNINESS with glee!
There actually was a guy in Austrailia a few decades ago who claimed that a proper Christian man should just allow his wife's vagina to pull his flaccid penis in. And he lectured on this every Sunday in his local town square. Even after the fiftieth time he was fined for public obscenity.
You, Fr. Marx, fail just as bad as he does.
Well, that certainly explains why your God allegedly created the clitoris, which only has one known function, and packed all those tingly nerves into a penis.
"Obtaining sexual advice from a priest makes almost as much sense as calling a cockroach to fix your computer."
Now, now--the cockroach might at least have been in a computer....
@Princess Rot: "Catholic pro-birth shit about sex only being for procreation" - actually, the Catholic Church teaches that sex is not just for procreation, but also should be enjoyed ("unitive purpose" vs. "procreative" is the buzzword). Of course, some Catholics will still teach the other way - I knew one study group leader who came up with some really bizarre statements.
Man flaccid, woman dry.....
Yeah, that's great sex happening there. Hell we do the crossword during sex, it passes the time.
Like shooting without a gun!
*realizes the metaphor*
Well, yeah, exactly like that, in fact.
Well, modern surgery makes it possible for a man to get an erection without being horny.
There are implants for the spongy body out there, which usually are used in cases of extreme erectile dysfunction.
But dunno, I assume I´d prefer a dildo over a male partner who tries to have sex without the tiniest trace of horniness ;)
Just shut up, please just shut the fuck up. That made NOOOOO sense what-so-ever. That was a complete contradiction of words and conflicting ideas, so uneducated citizen please forfeit your right to speak and just shut the fuck up.
As George Bernard Shaw once said, why should we listen to priests about sex? If they know anything about it, they shouldn't.
(Well actually he said it about the Pope specifically. I think I can paraphrase.)
"There is nothing loving about sex."
no love in sex. just jesus.
"Having sex without horniness is a greater expression of love. Sex is self-satisfying, but not meant for pleasure."
um thats effin' impossible to have sex without being horny. pleasure is the best part. lol.
go have sex.
1. I lol'd at "Are you sure you got the first name right and it was Paul not Groucho?"
2. You want people to die of bordome, don't you? Just admit it.
3. The second part is why I would never have sex with my now-ex. It was fun while we lasted, but sexually, I never was quite that turned on. Although in this loon's book, that's the perfect recipe for a relationship so I missed the boat. /rolls eyes
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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