Why Hundus and Muslims Cannot Govern
If anybody understood what Hindus really believe, there would be no doubt that they have no business administering government policies in a country that favors freedom and equality.... Can you imagine having the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as defense minister, or Mahatma Gandhi as minister of health, education, and welfare? The Hindu and Buddhist idea of karma and the Muslim idea of kismet, or fate condemn the poor and the disabled to their suffering.... It's the will of Allah. These beliefs are nothing but abject fatalism, and they would devastate the social gains this nation has made if they were ever put into practice.
Well, lets see: if you had invested $1,000 in the US stock market five years ago, you'd have made a whopping $180. If you had put the $1,000 in the Indian stock market, you'd have made about $2,800. If that's an example of the Hindus screwing up, what do you call what George Bush is doing?
If anybody understood what Hindus really believe, there would be no doubt that they have no business administering government policies in a country that favors freedom and equality.... By that reasoning, Christians, as rulers letting their faith make decisions for them, do not either. The Bible states, repeatedly, that anyone who does not follow God and Jesus should be put to death. It advocates the death sentence for non-crimes such as working on Sundays.
Yet lots of countries have Christian politicians, and many of them do very well. Likewise with countries that have Hindu rulers.
Using Gandhi as an example of something bad just shows how completely out of touch Pat is. And I'm amused how he combines Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam into one monolithic religion, as if "the will of Allah" means anything to a Buddhist or Hindu. Way to show your lack of knowledge there, Pat.
And yet, I've heard repeatedly that the poor have done something to deserve being poor because Christians have told me that nothing happens without god's approval. What would you call that?
Of course Proverbs 14:21 says, "He who despises his neighbor sins
But happy is he who is gracious to the poor."
Then, I never expect Christians to practice what their monstrous book says.
So this would explain how both muslims and hindus have been activly governing for the past... How many centurys????
Rhudalah Khomeini would not be a good defence minister, But then again he probably would have refused the post anyway. He seemed more the legalist type.
Mahatma Gandhi on the other hand would have been a great minister of health, or education, or welfare.
He supported public healthcare, Universal education, and job creation. He favoured low tech solutions to a lot of problems that could be addressed with low tech. He also respected the value of high tech.
Of course Robertson is unlikely to bother to learn anything about either religion, Its easyer for him to just make it up.
Update: Hindus live in a multiconfessional country long before USA was in the past, so if you really don´t understand what they believe, shut up. By the way, isn´t the first sentence a little contradictory?, what freedom and equality are you speaking about?. And I don´t know the quoted ayatollah, but I was in London when the terrorists who planned to blow up a plane with liquid explosives in Britain were arrested. Something they insisted upon is that these arrests would be impossible without the information given out by the Pakistani and Egyptian intelligence. HOW IRONIC!!, maybe you´re alive thanks to the incompetence of two muslim defense ministers!
Can you imagine having the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as defense minister, or Mahatma Gandhi as minister of health, education, and welfare?
No, but I had a flash of Pat Robertson as the secretary of state:
"You don't believe in Jesus? No aid for you then."
If anybody understood what Christians really believe, there would be no doubt that they have no business administering government policies in a country that favors freedom and equality.... Can you imagine having Kent Hovind in charge of fiscal policy, or Ted Haggard in charge of family planning.
As opposed to quivering and pleading "Please God don't hurt me?" At least those ideas are more objective than the attitudes of many Christian believers.
Can you imagine. . .Mahatma Gandhi as minister of health, education, and welfare?
Yes, actually, why do you ask?
@Fundie arsehole
the Muslim idea of kismet, or fate condemn the poor and the disabled to their suffering....
Zakât , motherfucker, ever heard about that!?
Mahatma Ghandi would make an excellent minister of health, education and welfare.
That notwithstanding, the idea of karma does not mean "let 'em die and try again." Rather, it demands that one help others as often as possible, in as great a capacity as possible, in order to end the cycle of reincarnation.
It's obvious that Pat has no idea what Hinduists or Buddhists really believe.
Why Fundie cannot govern:
If anybody understood what fundies really believe,there would be no doubt that they have no business administering government policies in a country that favors freedom and equality.... The belief that if you don't believe in Jesus you will be punished will send more than 75% of America into a state of exile, because of their status as non-Christians, that they will now be persecuted under Biblical law. Can you imagine Ann Coulter as the Education ministry (Creationism forever!), or Pat Robertson as the Secretary of State (Attack Israel and all Muslim nations!!!)
"...or fate condemn the poor and the disabled..."
Just like you do, jackass. You also add insult to injury with your fatuous sanctimonious horseshit about god's punishment, right?
The Gandhi bit is truth.
The Hindu and Buddhist idea of karma and the Muslim idea of kismet, or fate condemn the poor and the disabled to their suffering.... It's the will of Allah.
Please tell that to Anna Diehl , Pat.
And just the same for Christians: "If anybody understood what some Christians really believe, there would be no doubt that they have no business administering government policies in a country that favors freedom and equality...."
The obvious answer is the separation of church and state, making sure that people can practice their faith at home and in their churches, but are still subject to the law, cannot corrupt public and government institutions with their particular cult and agents, etc. When that fails, history shows that theocrats persecute other people, of their own faith and others. When that succeds, multicultural democratic institutions, public life and peace have been shown to be workable, even if sometimes difficult. Much better than the alternative.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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