Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #racist

( Donald J Trump )
Our Country is SICK inside, very much like a person dying of Cancer. The Crooked FBI, the so-called Department of “Justice,” and “Intelligence,” all parts of the Democrat Party and System, is the Cancer. These Weaponized Thugs and Tyrants must be dealt with, or our once great and beautiful Country will die!!!

( @JerryBruceD )
@USCenturion @realdonaldtrump

jews and fags... so long Trump.

( @anavrin5 )
@USCenturion @realdonaldtrump We are fighting for the gay community to be completely obliterated

( @FreezingSummit )
@realdonaldtrump Maybe if you pander to more faggots and Jews we can fix it!

( @MickyB57 )
@FreezingSummit @realdonaldtrump
If you ask me, Biden is the one pandering to the faggots. Look at his administration you dumbfuck. You're a fucking Trump troll. Get a life bitch.!!

( @Twisted_Texan )
@realdonaldtrump By endorsing the scourge of sodomites, you have become one of the tyrants.

( @osvanska )
@realdonaldtrump It’s the jews, Drumpf.

( @Toolman89 )
@osvanska @realdonaldtrump he wants us to fight each other so that they can 'destroy the nations' and rule the world from jewruslaem. white liberals aren't our enemy, they are dumb slaves who will become our slaves if we take power. remove the jew and you remove the problem, it's as simple as that and thus they are our only target to focus on.

( @brextremist )
@realdonaldtrump And who are the "cancer" to which you refer? It's the jews. Jews are in control of these crooked institutions. Jews are the ones rotting America from the inside.



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