Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot

In the end, our United States of America no longer exists as a coherent entity other than as a false pretense to hide the fact that we are actually simply a member of a group of countries running the secret space program. And the SECRET SPACE PROGRAM is split between two warring factions known as the Reptilians and Pleiadians as revealed by secret space member of the Navy, William Tompkins. How that actual entity governs itself is completely hidden at this time. We only have some idea based on the Nazis from Project Paperclip who are aligned to this day in a totalitarian/Reptilian hierarchy no doubt attempting to run things while at the same time at war with the Pleiadians who are aligned with what are known as the Guardian races who favor the survival of humanity on Earth and inside and outside this solar system. The so-called Galactic Federation is a collection of off planet races aligned by and large with the NWO/CCP side of this battle.

What we have is what started out as a rogue civilization underground and in command of our solar system hidden from the surface governments on Earth now become the rulers of both all of Earth and our solar system.
At this point that percentage of Americans loyal to Trump and the White Hats is possibly a good deal less than 80%. Probably more like 60%… but regardless of the actual percentage of hearts and minds the White Hats have supporting them, they are now called upon to break their silence and reveal the real situation on Earth and beyond regarding who runs this world. And we as members of a Galactic Space Faring race must determine how we wish to move forward into the future with eyes wide open while rejecting the totalitarian/NWO/Borg takeover that is threatening our well being and sovereignty forever. In the face of an invasion from alien AI and warring off-world and somewhat isolationist inner Earth civilizations.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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