I’m 37, very sexually attractive (Not a lie!), good job, lots of hobbies and interests, excellent guitar player etc. and yet incapable of getting
women because I refuse to be a two-faced psychopath bully. I despise those entitled princesses, those soulless underdeveloped unphilosophical trivial
pathetic little personalities.
For compensation I go to sex clubs as well. Once I had sex with one that was acting exactly like an entitled princess, even though she was a prostitute,
and at first really didn’t want to have anything to do with me. And because of that I of course absolutely had to fuck her.
First she just tried to make me cum as soon as possible but I knew what she was trying to do and I have excellent self-control and demanded penetration.
Because I knew I was fucking an entitled princess I had a very good orgasm. Justice!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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