carefulthistime #sexist #transphobia

RE: Why Is Transgender Identity on the Rise Among Teens? Theories Suggest a "Social Contagion" - Psychology Today

”In the DSM-5, prevalence rates of gender dysphoria are estimated at 0.005% to 0.014" of the population for natal males, and 0.002% to 0.003% for natal females.”


“In a recent survey of 250 families whose children developed symptoms of gender dysphoria during or right after puberty, over 80 percent of the youth sample were female at birth”

I wonder if mtf families kept the issue more private and didn't participate in the survey OR has this been influenced by brainwashing girls for their entire lives that men have privilege and women don't? Maybe both and other factors as well.

You're close, real real close. It's not that they want male privilege as such, it's that they can not stand the idea of becoming what they have been told women ARE.

They have been told believe they are doomed to become mindless victims, their every thought controlled by magazines, able to be literally raped by a casual glance from across the street, they might have to be hospitalized due to the effects of a wolf whistle.

They are terrified of becoming feminists, wouldn't you be? They believe that they have to make this decision, or in a few weeks or months when the estrogen kicks in they will become unable to make ANY decisions, they will be the cookie cutter stepford feminists that they have been told all women are.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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