It is not a healthy perspective to be an atheist, nor is it logical since God is proven in the Proof for God of the Bible. To not know your purpose given by God is most uneventful and dull.
You may be able to mindlessly self-declare things on other forums, but here you will continue to get infractions for your self-declarations which you never back up. That's why they are of self not needing reason. Such infractions will include statements like, "Not traits practiced by most of christianity today" even though you have no evidence for your claim given, and "The old testament is a butchery of the Jewish Bible, twisted to justify the Messiahship of Jesus" even though you have no evidence presented. Since we have 62 prophecies that point to Christ and you can't overturn them, then what do you have but self-declarations? This is not a forum for that kind of selfish behavior.
Once you realize Jesus walked on earth, you'll also need to account for the writers of the Bible reporting Jesus' words Jesus saying He is God, and seeing Him resurrected.
You don't need to be the oldest religion to be the right one, for many false religions have been operating such as the one that built the pyramids or the one that says you can come back as a chicken in Hinduism with always another chance to come back as a human. This does not deal with sin righteously if you know you can stay in sin to be redeemed later. God will never save such a person.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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