"Don't athiest always point fingers at Christanity and mention the diversity of beliefs as proof there isn't a god? I wish to do the same thing to them as proof that there is a god..."
...who then went on to create the Babel Fish, so that Man could have something to use as a final clinching proof of God's own nonexistence. [/Douglas Adams]
Don't fundies point fingers at Atheists and mention our smartarsery and diversity of parody beliefs (Flying Spaghetti Monster, Haruhi Suzumiya, Invisible Pink Unicorn, Cthulhu, JR 'Bob' Dobbs etc) as proof of their inferiority to us?
...more's the pity. I wish they would - certainly here in FSTDT - so's I can prove to them that there isn't a 'God', so's I can exercise the ol' intellect, and annihilate any & all their arguments, therefore they have no choice but to accept they're wrong, and we're right.
Mayhaps that's precisely the reason why fundies who dare come here to argue the toss with us are as commonplace as unicorn poo. Ruptured Retards, I'm looking at you bollockless, cowardly streaks of weasel piss.
Moral: Being more than infinitely superior to fundies. In every way. Feels good, man.