You can't just escape [to the hills] with a few chickens and survive. The bad guys of this planet -- Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, North Korea and their Islamic allies -- are going to come here, folks. The Chinese have every aquifer in the U.S. mapped out. They know that some of them flush out nuclear radiation very quickly, and some of them hold them for a long time. They need to know where they can settle their people. The Russians have an unreliable army -- too many drunks and Moslems -- but they will nuke the hell out of the continental United States. The big regret of the U.S.S.R. is that they didn't take out the U.S. during the Great Depression -- a former KGB agent told me this -- and this time they have a plan. They will invade Alaska and parts of Canada. Then the Chinese will send their people across the Pacific in wave after wave. Their friends in Latin America will be invited up into the southern United States for looting rights. The left will welcome this, which is why 90 percent of Obama's cuts are to the U.S. military, the only thing keeping the world together.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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