Every Christian doesn't judge...I only account for myself. Not every Muslim is a terrorist. Not every teenager gets into a lot of trouble or goes to jail. Everyone is different. However we will know them by their fruits. The POTUS says that we are not a Christian nation anymore, so that doesn't sound like he is a Christian. He believes what the Muslims believe and they are not Christians. The bible is the word of GOD and it has a lot to say about homosexuals or the sexually immoral. Righteous judgment is acceptable. We are to confess our sins one to another. We are to be accountable as well
You say that President Obama is not a Christian because he doesn't think the United States is a Christian nation? I must have missed that verse in the Bible. In all seriousness, the United States has a Christian majority, but our legal system is not based on Christian theology (put down the David Barton books), nor is our political culture influenced by theology at the national level.
This is all a matter of fact, not theology, so whether you think the term "Christian nation" should apply to the United States at present says nothing about your position on the Bible.
Speaking of which, yes, the Bible does have a lot to say about homosexuals. The American public doesn't care, on the whole. So, you tell me: is the United States a Christian nation?
We never were meant to be Christian nation as per First Amendment and Treaty of Tripoli. His saying we arecnot has no bearing on whetherbor not he's Christian. The Bible says a lot of things. Does not make them true. It said Tyre won't be rebuilt, rabbits chew curd, etc
The POTUS says that we are not a Christian nation anymore, so that doesn't sound like he is a Christian.
The Pope of the Coptic church might say that Egypt wasn't a Christian country any more. Would that make him sound like he wasn't a Christian?
He believes what the Muslims believe
Show me where he says that Muhammad is the final prophet and messenger of God. If he hasn't publicly agreed with the basic confession of Muslim belief, then it is hard to call him a Muslim.
Since the Fifth Century, when the current version of the Bible was cobbled together, believers have deemed it to be the word of God. However, recent scholarship has proven conclusively that the Betty Crocker Cookbook is the word of God, and contains many good food preparation ideas.
"However we will know them by their fruits."
As in, two small plums and a banana?
The parts of the Bible you types seem to focus on are the words of some stiff-necked pricks, and the word of PAUL. Not as impressive as the word of GOD when you call it the word of PAUL, is it? Personally, I wouldn't take PAUL's word on anything. PAUL is a DICK!
The POTUS says that we are not a Christian nation anymore
You were never a Christian nation.
He believes what the Muslims believe
No, he doesn't. Obama might not be a very good Christian but he's definitely a Christian.
it has a lot to say about homosexuals
Nine verses is hardly a lot.
You never were a Christian nation. You are a nation that allows the practice of all religions within the rules of National LAWS.
That's how they stopped the witch hunts and hangings of Salem, Once the States police and military was able this was banned. Otherwise, some of you tards would still be doing this.
And still, every year, at least one fucking Christian cult has to be dismantled yet again for violating every human right on the books because of this ridiculous unearned "respect for beliefs" shit.
Audit then Tax the Megachurches and investigate all the leaders likewise.
Investigate all gated or Communal religious groups.
The Law needs to affirm itself again as it had to long ago at Salem. Your church is a man made organization and your pastors are just men.
The POTUS says that we are not a Christian nation anymore,
I don't recall him saying we were one to start with.
Every Christian doesn't judge
Bullshit, I know dozens of judgmental Christians. Or do you mean as soon as someone judges someone else they're not a true Christian any more?
However we will know them by their fruits.
I thought you said you don't judge people?
The POTUS says that we are not a Christian nation anymore
We never have been.
so that doesn't sound like he is a Christian.
There you go judging people again.
Righteous judgment is acceptable.
Ah, I see. Judging people is OK as long as God agrees with you.
@ freako104
It said Tyre won't be rebuilt, rabbits chew curd , etc.
*Ahem* Miss Muffett ;-). Just sayin'.
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