I like Glenn Beck. His approach is what all pastors should have. As it is, people are scared to go to church for fear they might offend the non-believer. Being politically correct is the path of the ACLU.
Glenn Beck is a drivel-spouting maniac. As one of my friends put it, "beneath his reactionist, fear-mongering exterior, you'll find that deep down he's also a moron."
So, all pastors should deliver over-the-top, hysterical, tear-filled sermons that accuse anyone not currently in the congregation of being Nazis?
Also, the ACLU defends you morons, too. See http://www.aclufightsforchristians.com/
His approach is what all pastors should have.
Oh please, please, PLEASE let this happen! It would destroy the last remaining shred of dignity and credibility that religion has and you'd see people flocking out of the churches clutching their faces in embarrassment.
As it is, people are scared to go to church for fear they might offend the non-believer.
That scares them? Why wasn't I told this before? Okay, well non-believers are also offended by fundamentalists engaging in politics.
Being politically correct is the path of the ACLU.
Yeah right. The ACLU has defended the rights of Mormons, fundamentalist evangelicals, and even fucking NAMBLA. They're about civil liberties hence the C and L in their name.
"I like Glenn Beck."
You should be embarresed to other thos four words in that order.
"As it is, people are scared to go to church for fear they might offend the non-believer."
Citation fucking needed.
" Being politically correct is the path of the ACLU."
Nooo... the ALCU just defends people who are wronged only because of who/what they are.
I thought that you people (and I'm guessing that you're not a Mormon, since you refer to "pastors") didn't even regard Mormons as Christians. As for "people are scared to go to church for fear they might offend the non-believer," you cannot be serious.
"As it is, people are scared to go to church for fear they might offend the non-believer."
Actually I stopped going because i was tired of wasting four hours of my life to listen to the same crap over and over about going to hell.
You don't need Beck to be a fuckhead btw
As it is, people are scared to go to church for fear they might offend the non-believer.
I really don't give a crap if you want to attend your weekly brainwashing, and I'm sure most other non-believers don't care either.
"I like Glenn Beck. His approach is what all pastors should have. As it is, people are scared to go to church for fear they might offend the non-believer."
This is why the political right, along with the media, made such a big deal about Obama's public church attendance, or lack thereof.
Evangalist and Baptist pastors DO Beck, it's where Beck gets half his act, Beck is tent-revival preaching. What the Hells the (FoxNews created)Tea-party events if not a Christian Right-wing (read white) Circus?
Condacending, hate and fear-mongerling followed by a plea to supernatural authority, dozens of tv and radio preachers have the same method as Beck. Beck invokes God and the ridiculous concept that Americans are not constitutionally protected from religious dictate.
A lot of FoxNews on air staff are intolerant Christians who promote polititians and celebrities only because they're speaking the religious-Rights agendas
Glenn Beck is right-wing moron of the first caliber. He has no idea what he is talking about most of the time, and the rest of the time he gets it wrong.
That you like him isn't surprising. I find that anyone willing to admit this is usually abysmally ignorant and bigoted, and thus the perfect target audience for Beck.
As for church, people have stopped going because it is increasingly irrelevant in their lives. Having preachers become more foaming at the mouth stupid like beck isn't going to help.
people are scared to go to church for fear they might offend the non-believer
What??? Bull-F'ing-Shit. Have you never heard of megachurches? Around here it's not unusual for someone to ask what church you go to, and it's not unusual to see Jesus fish symbols on the back of cars.
There are many reasons people don't go to church, but offending nonbelievers isn't one of them.
Why do you cuntwits think you have a right to be offended by homosexuality, but other people don't have a right to be offended by other things?
Why do you hate democracy, Chuck?
Another fundy who hasn't heard that Beckyboy is a Mormon in addition to being a moron. Remember the Mormons? This is a group, some would say cult, that fled a thousand miles into the desert and spent fifty years shooting most of the Christians that stumbled upon them.
You do realize that such would make church attendance drop even more drastically?
On the upside, watching you lot struggle to make sense of why people are running from you is very entertaining.
"people are scared to go to church for fear they might offend the non-believer."
C'mon, even a moron like you can't really believe that people stay away from church for fear of hurting atheist's feelings. People stay away from church for many reasons, and a major reason is that it's tenets are tosh.
As soon as you said you agree with Glenn Beck, you lost all credibility. And the ACLU has defended Christians many, many times. They're whole shtick is that they'll take anyone's case, regardless of background.
On the upside, watching you lot struggle to make sense of why people are running from you is very entertaining.
@Elia, they never seem to tumble that it's their own fault, do they? After all, God's on their side, so they can't be wrong.
As it is, people are scared to go to church for fear they might offend the non-believer.
WTF? The rest of the comment is boring old fundie drivel that we've seen thousands of times. This sentence truly confuses me though. When have Christians ever given a fuck about offending non-believers?
@The Jamo:
"Inside your church you can offend me all you want. Just please don't knock on my front door on the weekend, because I'm tired of listening to your bullshit."
If some Jeebus-peddlers do knock on your door, may I suggest blasting Kevin Bloody Wilson's "Festival of Life " at them? Even the densest among them should get the clue :P
The late B. Kliban once drew a cartoon captioned, "Using the Cement Pie." The drawing portrayed a pie, traveling at some velocity. Now what made me think of that, I wonder?
No one cares if you go to church. Just because you idiots are offended by every little thing a non-believer does or does not do, that does not mean we are the same way.
If people are going to be afraid of going to church, it should be because they don't want to look like idiots. Probably not going to happen though because you think anyone who DOESN'T believe in talking snakes is an idiot.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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