[In topic about a girl who died because her parents choose prayer over medicine]
Look the girl died because she was infested with the devil. There is no other reason. God demanded her life and her blood so that humanity would be that much more pure.
Just keep that thought if you ever get run over by a bus and you're lying on the pavement with your intestines spilled out, screaming your lungs out in agony.
Remember, it may hurt like hell, but I'm sure God demanded your life, and who are we to argue with him. So, no dialing 911, no paramedics for you.
And speaking about the purification of the human race, now would be a good time for that sniper to put that bullet in your brain.
"God demanded her life and her blood so that humanity would be that much more pure. "
Wait, isn't that what us "evolutionists" are supposed to want?
Why couldn't God have just cured her?
I mean, the doctors could have too, BUT.
Oh, so if prayer works, it's because of God, but if it fails, it's Satan's doing, and not the lack of proper medical care?
What a way to take responsibility, idiots.
That's just like saying if it works, it's all my doing, but if it fails, it's because of the other guy.
Look the girl died because she was infested with the devil.
No. She went into some sort of diabetic shock. A simple trip to the ER doctor would have helped everything.
God demanded her life and her blood...
God dosen't need anyone's blood. That's why Jesus died.
"God created man in His image, and man, being a gentleman, returned the favor."
What I'm trying to say is that you worship a spiteful, vengeful, petulant God because you yourself are a spiteful, vengeful, and petulant person. Convenient how what God thinks always jibes with what you think, huh?
Infested with the Devil?
Doesn't it actually state in the Holy Scriptures that Satan is actually a prisoner of god, and thus completely powerless?
Therefore meaning that your "kind" god killed her for no reason?
Death! Death! Death! God demands DEATH!!! Kill! Kill! Kill! God commands DEATH!
Repeat 15837 times, then seek psychiatric treatment.
JesusWillSaveYou -- you're the kind of person I'd like to see die a slow, lingering death from a particularly nasty form of cancer, just so I could have the satisfaction of recording your statement and playing it back to you, over and over and over.
First of, the girl died from Diabetic shot. Which is easily cureable with proper medical treatment. Instead her parents decided not to take her to the ER and for around 30 days she suffered.
Second, the Christian god no longer requires anyone's blood. That was the whole point of Jesus dieing on the cross. Read your damn bible.
Third, Diabetics are not impure.
She died because she had stupid parents, who didn't realize it's their damned OBLIGATION to do whatever it takes to get their daughter help. Sure, pray over her if you want, but do that AFTER she has seen a doctor. A little placebo god-help won't hurt, but first and foremost she need medical care.
If you believe that God is omnipotent, then He must have imbued the doctors with their ability to cure, He must have made sure that medical science is advancing all the time.
Those parents were the equivalence to the drowning guy in the funny story; God sends him several people to help him, but he wants direct intervention from God himself.
... and we should bow down to your God why?
No wonder even in your Bible there are people who refuse to bow down to your God, I think they made the right choice.
What a delightful kind of God. He sounds more akin to Khorne, god of Bloodshed and War, than to any supposed god of "love" though, doesn't he?
Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne! Khorne demands sacrifice, Khorne demands the galaxy BURN!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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