Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut

From a paramedic friend. This is what a “safe and effective” vaccine rolled out to kids will do to them, a 7x increase in call rate:

“Yes. These are non trauma calls. Medical calls. If I add trauma it’s higher. Used to predominantly run kids for trauma.

Before covid working at one of the largest ems services in the country-
0-1 a week. Some weeks none, some weeks one or two. Predominately kids with pre existing health problems. Like seizures, asthma, allergies. Etc

During covid. Down. Seemed people were staying up on their medications, scared to go to hospital. Parents around more, not coming into contact with allergens etc.

barely ran any pediatric calls during the heart of Covid.

When shots rolled out for younger age groups, 3-4 a week steady. Sometimes multiple in a day.

Now many are on seizure meds, and we run a lot of severe anxiety, psych calls, suicide, and chest pains in young population.”
3:33 AM · Feb 27, 2024 · 45.8K Views
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