Lev #ufo #magick #conspiracy eraoflight.com

The mental field over the Western Hemisphere, which never was unified and stable, is now literally torn to pieces by the blows of the Light System on the Subtle Plane. Some Dark egregores disconnect from each other and look for new points of support. Others are trying to unite or at least stick together to gain time and find new patterns of survival.

Turmoil in the Earth’s mental layers extends and gulfs its lowest levels above vast territories and countries. The huge energy Pyramid that held together the Western world disintegrates. Its European parts try to overcome the rupture’s shock and urgently restore the formal consensus of the nations’ egregores. Lost the back of their major ally, which abandoned them to the whims of fate, they attempt to draw the adaptation plan to face the new realities, but in fact failed due to the deepest and irreconcilable inner conflicts and divisions.

This derails efforts to erect the new, autonomous continental Pyramid, because ones nations consider selves more equal than others. Exhausting meetings at which countries cannot agree on proposals or make their amendments meaningless do not eliminate the fear of how to continue to live and survive in conditions of war, increasing crisis and internal disintegration, lack of affordable financing and cheap resources.
The Lucifer Covenant stipulated that after this Higher Being terminates its Earth’s dual mission and leaves the planet, returning to the Light Side, all Darks and Grays must to follow him or have to be sacrificed. Indeed, hundreds of behind-the-scene hierophants and rulers jointed him, but a lot of defiant and most hard-nosed decided to stay here, using earthlings as live shield to protect selves. And this was their fatal miscalculation, because today they are devoured by own egregores strictly in accordance with the Covenant’s warning. This process is gaining momentum and will be long, bitter and gut-wrenching. But no one is interested in their fate anymore.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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