When God is rejected, truth collapses in its wake. And truth is the bedrock upon which civil society rests. So when God goes, truth goes, then society goes.This is the inevitable reality of the post-modern, anti-God, secularist movement in America. And the collapse of truth has consequences, especially for convictional Christians who hold to biblical truth claims about human sexuality.
There are no "biblical truth claims" about human sexuality.
There are only prohibitions. One is that you shouldn't have period sex. One is open to interpretation; the most likely (though still disputed) interpretation based on earlier texts (pre-KJV versions) is don't visit male prostitutes. One is that you shouldn't masturbate when you're supposed to be getting your brother's widow pregnant. If you count abortion as part of "sexuality", then the bible doesn't prohibit it; rather, it's implied that abortion is at least as moral as slavery, as it gives rules for both.
"And the collapse of truth has consequences, especially for convictional Christians who hold to biblical truth claims about human sexuality".
Said consequences being that fewer and fewer people give a flying fart about what you and your "convictional Christian" buddies think about anything, human sexuality included.
And I mean that in a nice way.
Regards & all,
Thomas L. Nielsen
@Anon-e-Moose : you did just prove that some conservative christians are competent, skilled, and don't let their beliefs darken their judgement.
If they were all like that, well, we would not need that site.
When Shiva is rejected, truth collapses in its wake.
Fixed that for ya.
If you're looking to an ancient collection of myths, written by misogynists in order to control society, to find truths about human sexuality, you're soooo lost. You might as well look in the Hávamál to find truths about computers.
You know we've all heard this song and dance before, right? In fact, some of our great, great, great grandparents have heard it.
So when God goes, truth goes, then society goes.This is the inevitable reality of the post-modern, anti-God, secularist movement in America. And the collapse of truth has consequences, especially for convictional Christians who hold to biblical truth claims about human sexuality.
What happened last year when two fundie Christain bakers in Northern Ireland lost their appeal in that part of Britain's courts. Thus they now being legally forced to serve future married couples who just happen to be of the same gender. And very recently, Sinn Fein now denying the Democratic Unionist Party their democratic right to have a veto over S-SM in Northern Ireland: via the very same democracy that previously gave them that right of veto. Democracy denying the RCC south of the border their right of political power over the government, when 62% of Ireland's people in a legislation-deciding referendum voted for S-SM's legalisation.
Sinn Fein - Catholics - being in complete agreement with those peers in Britain's House of Lords who dropped their opposition to S-SM, thus the Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Act in 2013.
Said peers being Church of England clergy: Protestants . If Truth hurts, Facts blast your entire 'argument' out of the space-time continuum, Jase & Dave.
...and the ultimate irony? You threw away your only chance to be the 'Christian' country you wanted, with you opposing - in the War of Independence - the then head of the Church of England, King George III.
He only wanted your country to have a state religion after all...! [/Mega-paradox]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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