I know that I'm setting myself up for ridicule here, but Obama fits the bill for that chaismatic world leader that will lead us into the apocolypse. He'll fool us with his charisma, bring us to a false sense of security and peace and then BAM! In his position of power he will lead us to destruction. I'm not saying I truely believe this will happen, only that he fits the bill.
Hasn't this been said of every fucking leader during the last 2000 years?
Wasn't Nero the leader that was spoken about in the book of Revelations?
By the way, quit molesting you children yet? Not that I believe you ever did, just that you fit the bill.
"In his position of power he will lead us to destruction"
I wonder how he'll do that? Maybe he'll jam the mouths of American citizens with damned lies, force the country into a fake war resulting in the deaths of thousands of Americans, rape the civil liberties of the ones who aren't in the armed forces, and fuck the nations economy.
I imagine no country could withstand that...
"I know that I'm setting myself up for ridicule here"
You'd better freaking believe it!
"Obama fits the bill for that charismatic world leader that will lead us into the apocolypse"
Yes, don't vote for people who are charismatic and seem like good leaders.
"I'm not saying I truely believe this will happen, only that he fits the bill."
Well, so did Kerry, but you know how that went.
He'll fool us with his charisma, bring us to a false sense of security and peace and then BAM! In his position of power he will lead us to destruction.
Hunh, you mean like Dubya's been doing the last seven odd years? Oh wait, that's right, it's OK because he's God's chosen one!! *headdesk* X(
I know that I'm setting myself up for ridicule here
Yes, you are. Allow me. LMAO you are such an idiot!
"I know that I'm setting myself up for ridicule here,"
Since the same thing was said about Bill Clinton 16 years ago, and about Gorbachov 23 years ago, yes, you can expect quite a big of ridicule, and you deserve every bit of it.
I've heard the same thing about Nixon, Reagan, and Clinton.
You're blowing out your ass.
I'm really very sorry that you're so eager for the world to end. Perhaps you could just kill yourself and get to god all the sooner? Just a suggestion.
"I know that I'm setting myself up for ridicule here...."
Oh, Carol, you have no idea!
~David D.G.
Okay - Tim LaHaye is not a prophet of the Last Battle. He is an overpaid hack of a writer who can't pull his head out of his ass long enough to speak a coherent sentence about anything other than his personal religion.
And if you don't "truely believe this will happen", why are you even saying anything about it? You seem so sure for an unbeliever.
Your anti-christ thing is funny. Prince Charles (according to the history channel) is the leading candidate for anti-christ, tho.
Come to think of it, I wonder how many people actually fit the criteria. Quite a lot, I'll bet.
Yeah, security and peace is always a recipe for destruction. Throw in affordable health care, and the apocalypse is a lead-pipe cinch.
Carol, you're a fucking idiot.
Gad, I must be getting old. I remember when Ronald Wilson Reagan was the anti-christ. I mean, he had six letters in his first, middle, and last names, so there was a LOT more proof for him than Obama right there.
Well...I agree he's a charismatic leader, all style with no substance, who will be very bad for the country; however, this has nothing to do with your hokey, made-up apocalypse or religion in general.
@Reverend Davidius: Come to think of it, I wonder how many people actually fit the criteria. Quite a lot, I'll bet.
Bill Gates has always been at the top of my list. Imagine what he can do if Microsoft succeeds at buynig Yahoo!
He'll fool us with his charisma, bring us to a false sense of security and peace and then BAM! In his position of power he will lead us to destruction. I'm not saying I truely believe this will happen, only that he fits the bill.
- You mean just like George W Bush?
God forbid an intelligent, charismatic, and forward-thinking leader should get to sit in the oval office, when you can have a war-mongering, lying, non-erudite jerk like you have now. </sarc>
At least us Aussies voted out Dubya's lapdog at the last election.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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