Connor D. Sullivan #magick #racist #conspiracy

The Apocalypse of Hidden AmuraKa" explores the OCCULT Influences on Humanity. In this book, we will focus on the slow decline of the Western World from the INSIDE. The Founding Fathers were Masons, who built this country with a Secret Destiny. The United States would be the eventual birth place of the Masonic Christ (Moshiach) who will bring together the believers and non-believers as a One World Civilization from his throne in JerUSAlem. All Religions are waiting on this Messianic Figure to bring about the "World to Come".

To the Jews, this figure is known as the Moshiach. Theosophists and Buddhists call this "Future World Teacher "Maitreya" while Hindoos call this being the Kalki Avatar, the prophesied tenth and final incarnation of the god Vishnu who will end the god-less Kali Yuga. But Chrisitans and Muslims know this being, as well. To them, he is kmown as the Anti-Christ or the Dajjal.

In this book, we will unveil a century old Luciferian Death Cult who has chosen to corrupt the entire world in order to bring about their Messiah and prophesized "World to Come". Was the purpose of Freemasonry nefarious from the beginning or did this Ancient Cabal infiltrate Lodges as means to an end?

We will examine the intimate connection between the Cabal and the Central Banking System, Freemasonry and the Kabbalah and uncover the methods used to covertly enslave a country WITHOUT chains. Finally, for the first time in text, unveil the complete Masonic Religion, commonly known as the Luciferian Doctrine.
Topics include: Secret Destiny of America, Slow Death of a Nation, Babylonian Money Magick, Rothschild Central Banks, the Abrahamic Covenant, Parable of the Sheeps and the Goats, Freemasonry & the Kabbalah, the Original Aim of Masonry, Cult of the Black Madonna, Unmasking the Great Mother, Unabridged Luciferian Doctrine, Alchemy of the Eucharist, the Pyschology of Ritual Human Sacrifice, the Ministry of Propaganda, Creating the Perfect Slave Race and MUCH MORE!




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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