Aita channeling Her Higher Self #quack #conspiracy #crackpot

Let us now turn to your wonderful future. What will await you as you move into your fifth dimensional world reality? Indeed you are moving into an incredible time.

Your water and your food will no longer be poisoned. Your health will improve exponentially from that alone. You will all become vegetarians and revel from the well being you will feel.

The medical system will be removed. Health care will truly be health care as the truth about drugs becomes evident. The old system of money making radiation, chemotherapy, drugs and operations and regular physicals with their multitude of expensive and invasive tests, will disappear.

There will be healing machines, that will scan the human body and vibrationaly assess and cure any ailment. Cancer will no longer be a force, for its cause will be removed and its life draining treatment, no longer needed.
History will be rewritten as the truth of our entrainment becomes known. The story of the true experience of Mankind will be known to all. And Mankind will revel in that knowledge and what they have achieved by living the Human life.

The financial system will be revamped. In the transition period to the fifth dimension, money will still be used. But it will be gold backed and of value, not just paper that can be be printed at will.

The petty and heavy rules and regulations imposed by our bloated bureaucracy will disappear as laws are rewritten to be kind and benevolent. Justice will become just. She will no longer wear a blindfold. Adversarial lawyers and attorneys will be a thing of the past. For. remember, we will be telepathic and, in truth, a lie can no longer be told. The two tiered system of justice will be gone. Justice will be just for all.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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