
Michael Love and the Pleiadians #ufo #magick #crackpot blissfulvisions.com

On December 21, 2020, when the Great Conjunction occurs at 11:11 am UTC, an entire series of major cosmic cycles and epochs that have existed on Earth for eons will come to an end, and an entire new series of cosmic cycles and epochs begin for Planet Earth.

Sacred Lemurian scrolls kept by the Great White Brotherhood show that on the winter solstice of 2020, the long dark age of the Kali Yuga comes to it’s full end, and the glorious Sat Yuga of Light that prevailed during Lumurian and Atlantean times will again dawn on Planet Earth. The Age of Pisces will end, and Earth will enter into the glorious new golden Age of Aquarius spoken of by all the ancient prophets, seers and masters.

A host of other celestial and metaphysical events will occur at the same time which will cause other realms and domains to become visible to the eye for the first time. A new higher vibrational sunlight coming from the Central Sun will shine on Earth and this entire realm will be permeated in exotic cosmic particles that instantaneously upgrades DNA to a higher order.
The most profound and noticeable DNA changes will happen first to the beings who already resonate close to the Fifth Dimension. DNA strands will be activated by the gamma light particles, and they will reattach to the corresponding chakra portal. At that moment, the corresponding dimension can be perceived as the outward reality.

4D and 3D resonate beings will follow soon-after, as soon as they are ready vibrationally to make this leap in consciousness. It is all part of the Divine Plan for the Ascension of Planet Earth.

Silver Birch and White Eagle via Natalie Glasson #magick #ufo blissfulvisions.com

We are Silver Birch and White Eagle, since our incarnation on the Earth we have worked to assist the Earth from the etheric side of the veil rather than the physical side. We are devoting much of our time to acting as spiritual teachers for many to call upon in order to gain enlightenment, wisdom, and guidance. We are working closely with the World Teachers Master Sananda and Master Kuthumi to directly influence the spiritual education and advancement of humanity.
The rhythm of the Creator is essential to your reality whether you are in existence on the Earth or on the inner planes. As spirit beings on the inner planes, we are guided to accept, integrate and listen to the rhythm of the level of energy we are working with. For example, as you make the transition between a physical being on the Earth and a spiritual being on the inner planes you begin to awaken or accept the planetary level energy of the Creator’s universe.
We, White Eagle and Silver Birch, have stated that the rhythm of the Creator is the essence of the Creator; this means that it is immensely healing, rejuvenating, uplifting and balancing. When activated or balanced they allow you to exist as the highest vibration of health, intellect and spiritual alignment that is possible at this level. Sometimes due to experiences and challenges, the rhythm within you can become tainted or pushed off balance hindering you from existing at your highest positive state. The Earth and Mother Earth can experience this also, causing the Earth’s rhythm to become slow, depleting the Earth, nature kingdoms and even humanity. In the past the Earth’s rhythm began to slow, causing many problems for all on the Earth, fortunately, several Galactic Masters stepped forth to begin to reactivate the Earth’s rhythm and rebuild the Earth’s connections with the Creator. Now it is humanity who are accelerating time or conscious awareness and the vibration of the Earth.

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Sasquatch Elder Kamooh via SunBow TrueBrother #crackpot #magick #ufo blissfulvisions.com

Sasquatch Elder Kamooh: "Humanity was involved in three major intergalactic wars, in which my Sasquatch People, along with Star Elders, protected you and combated by your side. The first one began since your birth six million years ago, and lasted for two million years. It was an ongoing battle opposing the Star Council to reptilian factions cloning monsters.”

”The second cosmic war Humanity went through started three and a half million years ago and lasted one million years, involving again sensibly the same parties. Nuclear weapons were used and underground shelters became the safest refuges. The third interplanetary war Humanity experienced lasted for over half a million years, and ended one and a half million years ago. During that time, the Elves established in Hyperborea were also our allies and they defended you against orcs, dragons, giants and robots.”

”There was four major wars of the two empires that opposed Mu to Atlantis. The first one started around 850,000 years ago and lasted 100,000, after the dark fleets of the lower lords established military bases in Atlantis. Since flying dragons were bred and mounted in battle, it is called the war of the dragons."

”The second war of the two empires occurred 350,000 years ago and lasted 50,000 years. It was the war of the giants, in a time when many races of giants of all sizes, some carrying Human genetics and some not, ruled and competed over kingdoms, some in righteousness and some in evil ways. This is when cannibalism, necromancy, sorcery and wizardry spread among many Human tribes, provoking the first downfall of Lemuria. It is after this war that the Elves were ordered to leave Earth, because of their behaviors.”

SunBow #crackpot #magick #conspiracy blissfulvisions.com

SunBow says the Sasquatch are emissaries between our 3D world and the Agarthan 5D civilizations in hollow earth. Their civilization has existed on Earth for millions of years. Their existence proves the existence of supernatural powers, extraterrestrial intelligences, human hybrids, and intra-terrestrial populations. This hidden knowledge, kept secret by the elite (Dark Cabal), is the reason why mainstream academics are not ready to change their debunked evolution theories, and adapt the Sasquatch knowledge to a wider and wiser perspective.

SunBôw began receiving and transcribing messages from a Sasquatch Elder named Kamooh in 2015 while living in British Columbia, Canada. These messages became the text for Book 1. SunBow began to transcribe new messages for Book 2 as given by Kamooh in October 2016. The Sasquatch Elder Kamooh and his people asked SunBow to disseminate their message to the world. The Sasquatch Elders want to talk with humanity about changing and transforming themselves in order to become co-creators of a peaceful and environmentally-friendly world for a healthier planet, physically and spiritually.

Our Star Elders (extraterrestrials/ETs) are an intergalactic alliance with several dozen cosmic races that are here observing us and assisting us through The Great Awakeing into Unity Consciousness (aka Ascension or The Great Shift). Some of them say that they genetically engineered the human race, according to the information received by SunBow from his channeled source Sasquatch Elder Kamooh.

Reverend Dennis Shipman/Jared Rand #quack #crackpot #ufo #mammon blissfulvisions.com

(5) Jared has recently provided charts available for free that illustrate who we are, why we are on the planet, and where we are going. Currently there are 3 charts available for free downloads: (1) NEW Anti-Civilization to Civilization of the Universe, (2) The Prime Law, and (3) The Twelve Visions.
(6) Jared has extensive knowledge about the new upcoming health technologies including the Celestial Chamber (CC). The CC is powered by plasma/tachyon energy and controllable artificial intelligence. It regenerates human tissue and body parts. In about three minutes, it will completely re-atomize the human body, bringing it to immortality with no negative side-effects. It eliminates all diseases of the physical vessel. This technology is continually being advanced by Jared’s team and will be selectively open-sourced to the civilization of the planet.

(7) Jared is the founder of a U.S. tax-exempt organization called Grey Wolf Unincorporated Non-Profit Tribal Nation Association.

Grey Wolf accepts donations towards the funding of life-enhancing technologies including the completion of the Celestial Chamber. What a beautiful, exotic name and what it lends to the well-being of the civilization on this planet.

If in your Heart you are seriously interested in having access to this technology when it becomes available, Grey Wolf is currently in the process, as donations will afford, of assembly of the CC. All donations are tax-deductible and appreciated in the humblest of gratitude and strictest of confidence.

Lady Portia via Star Hinman #magick #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot blissfulvisions.com

As you might imagine, witnessing this process of transmutation has caused the dark energies to be in a state of fear, if not complete terror, because they can see that their forces are not able to successfully oppose these tremendous energies of light. And so, while they are experiencing this state of sheer terror, they are literally “throwing everything they have” into the level of human consciousness, thinking that if they can at least control the consciousness of people on earth, that this will give them a “foothold” towards controlling the narrative, which will then allow them to control the energies on earth.

However, this strategy is not going to be successful! Instead, it is FAILING – even as we speak! We want to reveal to you now the truth of this situation. See the huge image of the Light Ships coming from everywhere in the universe to support the earth, because they know that this is a crucial moment in this process of “The Enlightenment of Planet Earth!”
You have entered “the final battle” for planet Earth. And I know this is a “prediction for the coming year of 2021, so I will just tell you now that this is a battle that will extend far beyond your coming year!
So, it is almost beyond description as far as giving you a big enough picture of what is happening now – the possibilities of how this may synchronize and shift – and evolve into new levels of confrontation. And we are very concerned about this, obviously! And not because we fear defeat in any way, but because we are committed to bringing to bear on the situation all possible reserves of energy and intelligence, indeed, even throughout the galaxy!

Aita channeling Her Higher Self #quack #conspiracy #crackpot blissfulvisions.com

Let us now turn to your wonderful future. What will await you as you move into your fifth dimensional world reality? Indeed you are moving into an incredible time.

Your water and your food will no longer be poisoned. Your health will improve exponentially from that alone. You will all become vegetarians and revel from the well being you will feel.

The medical system will be removed. Health care will truly be health care as the truth about drugs becomes evident. The old system of money making radiation, chemotherapy, drugs and operations and regular physicals with their multitude of expensive and invasive tests, will disappear.

There will be healing machines, that will scan the human body and vibrationaly assess and cure any ailment. Cancer will no longer be a force, for its cause will be removed and its life draining treatment, no longer needed.
History will be rewritten as the truth of our entrainment becomes known. The story of the true experience of Mankind will be known to all. And Mankind will revel in that knowledge and what they have achieved by living the Human life.

The financial system will be revamped. In the transition period to the fifth dimension, money will still be used. But it will be gold backed and of value, not just paper that can be be printed at will.

The petty and heavy rules and regulations imposed by our bloated bureaucracy will disappear as laws are rewritten to be kind and benevolent. Justice will become just. She will no longer wear a blindfold. Adversarial lawyers and attorneys will be a thing of the past. For. remember, we will be telepathic and, in truth, a lie can no longer be told. The two tiered system of justice will be gone. Justice will be just for all.

St. Germain via Ngari #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #ufo blissfulvisions.com

THE BATTLE IS OVER - THE WAR HAS STOPPED – EVIL HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM EARTH - Saint Germain channeled through Ngari - Dear brothers and friends. Saint Germain speaking to you. I come to tell you that your long wait is over. Everything is coming out as planned, and today the redistribution of wealth on planet Earth begins.
It is with immense joy that I inform you that NESARA and GESARA are fulfilled for the greater good of humanity. I can affirm that today the planet enters the Golden Age of love, abundance for all and the immense peace, which so far was the privilege of the few.

We had to wait 20 long years to see the birth and full implementation of the NESARA / GESARA Act. It's been a barren and torturous road. Yet, with the invaluable help of the light servers, we made it!
October 1st (2020) marks the beginning of your new way of life on the planet. Ultimately, we enter into the full Age of Light, with all that entails. Very soon the whole planet will know the truth they tried to hide so much from us.
The Earth is, from now on, a full-fledged Galactic Society. It's the beginning of paradise on Earth. Your planet will be rebuilt in a completely different way, with a fairer society, with redistribution of wealth, which is no longer in the hands of a minority.

No more delays. No more dilation. Evil has been removed from Earth. You can open the champagne now. Let the joy reign! I want to see everyone celebrating. And when your mind tells you, "I still have bills that I don't know how to pay," replace it immediately with "I am FREE"!!! From your friend and brother, Saint Germain.

Rev. Dennis Shipman #ufo #conspiracy #magick #crackpot blissfulvisions.com

The Federation’s <The Galactic Federation of Light> mission has multiple objectives:

(1) With the help of Earth allies, the imminent defeat of the dark cabal. It has been in control of running the planet for the past 13,000 years. The dark cabal will be isolated away from humanity so that it will not cause anymore problems for the forward growth of global peace and prosperity.
(2) Oversee the creation and implementation of new governance worldwide (NESARA and GESARA) which will include debt forgiveness for everybody and every nation. This will also signify the formal collapse of the illegal Federal Reserve in the U.S., and central banking system in the world.
(3) Oversee the implementation of a new world financial monetary system backed by precious metals like gold and silver, along with the distribution of prosperity funds to end global poverty and establish an unprecedented era of prosperity worldwide. This will permit peace and prosperity to become the new international norm.
(4) End the UFO cover-up by initiating “full disclosure” - the official announcement that we are not alone in the universe, and that the galaxy is teeming with sentient lifeforms.
(5) Prepare us for mass landing contact with our ET brothers and sisters, to re-introduce us back into galactic life, and to reunite us with our spiritual and space families.
(6) The Ascended Masters will appear in our societies and teach us about our past and upcoming future as a prequel to our final transformation into Galactic Humans.
(7) Assist with returning humanity to full fifth-dimensional consciousness (5D).
(8) Conduct a complete and major makeover for Mother Earth and her environments and restore them to pristine condition.

Rev. Dennis Shipman #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick #mammon blissfulvisions.com

The New Quantum Financial System (QFS) is a super-advanced “out-of-this-world” technology that the Dark Cabal does not have. It has the capacity to hold massive amounts of data. It’s power source is not electricity. It is not dependent on any electrical grid, and not even crystals. It is powered by the limitless energy source of life itself (consciousness).

It can only operate in the light, and rejects darkness and evil intent. It reads into all organic lifeforms, and understands growth patterns. The way it’s programmed, it is not possible for the Dark Cabal to steal money or wealth from another person or another nation any longer.
QFS was gifted to us by the Galactics – According to the book “Messages from the Hollow Earth” by Dianne Robbins, benevolent, highly spiritually advanced human civilizations of Agartha in hollow earth use amino-acid based computers (highly advanced Artificial Intelligence that is “alive” with consciousness) that impact every area of human endeavor. All of the sub-cities are linked by this highly conscious computer system. It monitors inter-city and galactic communications, while simultaneously, serving the needs of individuals at home.
For example, it can report a person’s vitamin or mineral deficiency or when necessary covey pertinent information from the akashic records for personal growth. The akashic records are the living library of your soul life. This writer believes that it’s reasonable to assume the Agarthans and the Galactic Federation of Light have shared their super-conscious, quantum computer technology with surface humanity, and the QFS interfaces with the computers in hollow earth and with the Federation’s starships.

Jesus channeled by Lea Chapin #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot blissfulvisions.com

Jesus: Greetings, it is I, Christ. We stand with you today on the cusp of a new generation of time. The energy of the Photon Belt is shifting in your galaxy, and a major shift of transformational consciousness is now being imbued upon planet Earth. This is a wave of ascension energy that is now flooding your planet, and much that you understand in your Earthly realm, with all of the natural disasters that are occurring, and the Earth changes, will soon begin to subside.

Those who have awakened to what we call the 33.33% of energy that has affected and been imprinted within the energetic matrix of the human population will continue to transform their energies, and every soul on this planet is being affected by the energy of the Photon Belt, and is being affected by these frequencies of powerful transformation.
This is contributing to the chaos of those who are causing and affecting the world by their violent behavior. This is the increase in the active shooters in your United States of America. Those souls are being affected by these new light particles and they are not able to handle the energy that is being brought forth to them. It is creating a disturbance within their energy field, and they are not able to control their primal impulses, and are becoming erratic in their behavior.

Others who are able to hold the frequencies are transforming at a very rapid rate. Therefore, all of you are moving and shifting through the light particles rather quickly, and you are able to transform your lower dimensional frequencies into the higher light codes that are being infused, and have been infused for some time, since the energy was brought forth through the Great Pyramid of Giza in October 2018.