I don't really like to think of it as a murder. It was terminating Tiller in the 203rd trimester.
"I am personally opposed to shooting abortionists, but I don't want to impose my moral values on others."
You know, if she really doesn't want to impose her moral values on others she would be out of a job.
Christ guys lay off the trans comments, it's insulting to actual transsexuals.
Ann Coulter reminds me of Phoebe from Friends, only less funny and intelligent.
What a foul mouthed, obnoxious bitch Ann Coulter is. She is like a crack whore, only her crack is the occaisional headline she causes. She is a pathetic waste and the better part of her stayed in condom.
With shit-stains like her and O'Reilly speaking for them, the RR and Rep Party is sure to just 'bounce right back.' Someone should send that mouth-breather over to Afghanistan and let her experience 1st hand a theocracy. She'd be one of the first ones put down.
I'm sorry, was Dr. Tiller a mindless creature living inside your body and leeching all your nutrients? And permanently damaging your well-being by crushing all your internal organs and screwing up your hormonal balance? And threatening your life by ripping through your birth canal? All of this even under the best of circumstances, and all without your consent and against your wishes?
He was a fully formed, healthy human being? An intelligent, law-abiding, functioning contributor to society? Someone who had the self-awareness to have hopes and dreams and thoughts and knew what love was? The humanity that is only possible to achieve AFTER one is born?
Then that, dear Coultergeist, is what we call murder. And you, lacking that humanity even after you're born, are an abomination and society might be better off if you were terminated.
One more time...
Ann Coulter hates Liberals
She thinks tolerance is treason!
Now, please don't ask why.
No one quite knows the reason.
It could be her head wasn't screwed on just right.
It could be, perhaps, that her shoes are too tight.
But I think that the most likely reason of all
May be that her skull is two sizes too small.
- Apologies to Dr. Seuss.
Ann Coulter, ladies and gentlemen!
Honestly, why does anyone give that raving bitch air time? She should be locked away in a little tiny house 10 miles from the next closest person and allowed no human contact so that whatever brain-rotting stupid she has can't be spread.
@A Friend
No, what are you thinking? That would mean she would have a slim chance at reproducing! We have to tourniquet that segment of the gene pool!
I don't really like to think of it as a murder.
That's because somewhere deep down in your withered black little heart you just might have the slightest flickering of a conscience. You might know that despite the rationalizations and justifications of yourself and others in the "pro-life" movement that murder is wrong .
That or you have to make yourself think that it's something other than murder so that you can then go on to justify, endore, and excuse the murder of a doctor who by all accounts preformed abortions in cases where it was a medical necessity .
But why should that bother you? After all you're "pro-life", why should something like murder bother you?
I gave it a WTF, although on the old site, I would have given it four stars, since she's only trying to be funny.
I would say, "Could we terminate Ann Coulter in the x trimester?" but I don't want to sink to her level.
Ick. I need a shower now that I thought that.
One wonders, Ann, do you really believe the hateful shit you spit out, or are you just whoring yourself out to the highest bidder?
Either way, you're a bitch.
The next time something happens like the Knoxville shooting last year, I hope the victims' families sue this bitch for everything she owns, along with Fox News, Rush, Hannity, Savage, etc.
My thought exactly.
Well, according to her it couldn't have been terrorism because it wasn't one of those darn Islamics, but I didn't know she'd stoop so low as to question whether it was even a murder.
Oh. Wait. Yes, I did know that, because she's a pathetic waste of space that the Republicans only keep around because, yes, they really are THAT desperate for fap-fodder.
...I have no response to this. none that I can't do without her here to beat that is.
so I was wondering, have you noticed? the people who are and are not assassinated. the people who are tend to be decent, at least tolerable, frequently very good people. people like Ghandi and John Lennon, Lincoln and Kennedy.
yet the people who seem to have everyone wanting them dead, like Fred Phelps and Bush. also notably this cunt, rarely do get killed.
me, I'm betting it's that the people bitches like this piss off are all the smart and decent moral people who wouldn't be stupid enough to kill them.
Good, then terminating fetuses in the first (or even the second or third) trimester is not murder either. Glad to have that cleared.
However, we normal people consider life worth protecting after birth, not only before birth.
"I don't really like to think..."
Really? I never would have thought.
[I know... that's a cheap stab, forgive me.]
Way to recycle an old joke made in terrible taste, Ann. It just goes to show why you are held to have any credibility by people outside of World Net Daily and Fox News. You'll go far, Coultie. You'll go far...
"Ann Coulter - Giving Izhb-Ut-Tahir, the Oxygen of Free Publicity since September 13, 2001...".
Note: Hizb-Ut-Tahir, a Islamic extremist group, banned in the U.S & Europe, reprinted her diatribe against Islam, on their Pakistani website, suitably annotated, as a example of what "Christians", such as Ms Coulter, would do to Muslims, if they had their way, in order to gain recruits for their extremist cause...
Don't that's insulting to Eva, all she did was date what was perhaps the most evil man in the world.
Though while we're on the subject, I think Ann Coulter is the reincarnation of Herman Goering.
Because there is no difference between somebody who was born, and lived, and had feelings and emotions, and a clump of cells.
Despite Ann Coulter being a rabid, lunatic fundie, I still think she is hot. Too bad we can't do brain transplants.
Me too, I hate what she says and everything she stands for... But I got a thing for really skinny chicks, like anorexic skinny, and Coulter, total bitch that she is, fits the bill.
Aaah... Coultergeist.
Actually I just love Ann Coulter.
She's a great public face for American conserfascism!
Showing exactly what a nasty, stupid and utterly revolting belief that really is.
Wait, did Ann Coulter just approve of abortion as late as the 203rd trimester?
Wow, Coulter's just outed herself as pro-choice , albeit with her usual extremism. That's sure gonna put the cat among the pigeons!
"This is unforgivable. You will regret those words."
The word 'Hubris' seems to be mutually exclusive to right-wingers. Especially Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Faggard, Kent Hovind, Scott Roeder...
...as for ms. Coulter, it's only a matter of time.
*Sets Schadenfreude generator at Defcon 4 *
What a lovely, charming, morally attractive and certainly natural-born woman this Ann Coulter is. Why, I could just hug her to cuddly widdle bits, if my chainsaw weren't outta gas.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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