CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN. Let us witness the dismantling of the USA, the dream of every liberal. Beg the Muslims for forgiveness and understanding, elevate gays to martyrs status, fund abortions for everyone at anytime, fund ultraliberal anti-American groups like Acorn, raise taxes, dictate severe restrictions on industry, restrict gun purchases, nationalize banks, increase the out of control national debt to such a degree that sweeping government takeovers of our economy are made, threaten freedom of speech by restricting talk radio. Where does it end? Our main stream media is all cozy with being the official propaganda arm for Obama. who is shredding the constitution now dems?
increase the out of control national debt
Umm... this was the fault of your fundie prez. He turned your country to shit and then got the fuck out just as the shit started raining down all over the world, leaving someone else to clean up after him. Way to go Bushie. Way to go.
I think raising taxes would be a good idea once the recession is over. I mean I look at the HDI indexes and see that the best countries in the world (in terms of living standards) are those with the highest tax rates, which allow governments immense amounts to spend on everything: schools, hospitals (so many are underfunded), police equipment, public servant wages, better infrastructure and so on.
I look at the HDI indexes and see that the best countries in the world (in terms of living standards) are those with the highest tax rates, which allow governments immense amounts to spend on everything: schools, hospitals (so many are underfunded), police equipment, public servant wages, better infrastructure and so on.
There are some things you need to watch out for with this approach - make sure they don't do a Gordon Brown and funnel it all into one big heap to spend on whatever they feel like, rather than whatever the respective stated purpose of each component of the tax actually was.
Obama has been in office now, what, a couple of weeks? And these people blame the "out of control national debt" on him? The national debt that was shrinking during the Clinton-era and rising sharply throughout both the Bush-eras? How is that Obama or the left's fault?
"fund abortions for everyone at anytime"
That would be quite an achievement, considering a full 49% of the population don't even have the right biological equipment to ever need one.
I'm not sure how most of the things on the list even relate to the US Constitution anyway - I get that "threaten freedom of speech by restricting talk radio" relates to the First Amendment (edit: though making people accountable for lying doesn't threaten freedom of speech) and "restrict gun purchases" to the Second Amendment, but the rest?
" ... fund abortions for everyone at anytime ..."
I don't happen to be pregnant, but if the government wants to send me a check in the amount it would cost for an abortion, I'll gladly accept it. And I promise to put it to good use in stimulating the economy.
'increase the out of control national debt'
Already done by GWB & Cheney through tax breaks for their wealthy pals.
'threaten freedom of speech'
Two words - PATRIOT ACT.
SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN. Let us witness the dismantling of the USA, the dream of every conservative. Kill all the Muslims, kill the gays, ban abortions, fund ultraconservative anti-American groups like the NRA, cut taxes on the rich, let industry run wild, let every nut who wants guns have them, deregulate banks, increase the out of control national debt as an excuse to privatize everything, threaten freedom of speech by restricting the internet. Where does it end? Our main stream media is all cozy with being the official propaganda arm for the GOP. Who is shredding the constitution now?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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