Lena Rae #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com
As you may(or may not) know, I have a connection to the Sun and a unique view of what it is, and what’s going on with it.
I refer to the planet inside the solar shield (what we here on “Earth” call the “Sun”) as “Solaris”.
Recently, scientists have published several observations of un-precidented solar activity, including massive “tears” in the solar sheild.
I should have stood strong, and just told you all this sooner…but I’m here, relaying the info now…
The solar flares/EMP’s and all other increased solar activity ARE REAL.
It’s ALL true.
Now, specifically speaking about Solaris and what is going on with the Sun….That’s going to take a minute to explain.
To understand the increase in Solar activity and the un-usual amount of EMP’s, you 1st need to understand what the “Sun” is.
It’s not what we perseve it to be through the naked eye, or our telecopes and man-made observation mechanisms.
The flaming ball of ignited gas, is actually a sheild.
It becomes liquid further in, and that liquid is only ignited on the surface.
Inside the flaming sheild, inside the liquid fuel source, there is a solid core.
That solid core, is a planet-sized object, larger than our own planet, and it does harbor “life forms” with concious intelligence, civilizations and technology of their own.
These beings I refer to as “Solarians”.
Their basic function is to operate and maintain the sun.
The “Sun” is a power-source and CONTROL STATION for the rest of the SOLAR System.
What the Solarians are doing at this time, is amassing energy and calibrating for an enourmous EMP, directed at the broken moons of Mars.
Their plan is to magnetically polarize the 2 halves, and pull them back together.
This will create a fiery re-birth of Mar’s moon, and re-start the tidal flows on that planet.
That’s the truth of what’s going on with the “Sun” and how the dead-eyed non-leaders of the world are using it to their advantage.
The next Solar Eclipse on April 8th is going to be….Interesting…To say the least.