Evolution predicts nothing. Evolution scientists observe remains and tries to put a theory on what they find. The theory changes over time as contradictory evidence is found. It is evolution which slaves to it's theory, not fossils which tell them anything. I think it's all guess work "substantiated" by unprovable/anecdotal/circumstantial fossil records. And we have a long history of jumping to the wrong conclusions based on this kind of evidence. But that's just my opinion.
"I think it's all guess work "substantiated" by unprovable/anecdotal/circumstantial fossil records. "
Your religion is all guesswork "substantiated" by anecdotes. Science has moon landings.
"And we have a long history of jumping to the wrong conclusions based on this kind of evidence."
Yes we see that all the time.
"But that's just my opinion. "
Which you've shown is not worth much.
Creationism predicts nothing. Creation "scientists" observe 4000-year-old stories and try to find facts to fit their conclusions. The conclusions never change over time, despite any contradictory evidence being found. It is creationism which slaves people to its nonsense, not reality which refutes what they believe. I think it's all blind faith "substantiated" by unprovable/anecdotal/circumstantial "miracles." And they have a long history of making wild leaps of "logic" based on this kind of evidence. But that's just my opinion.
Do you mean to tell me that those ScIeNtists actually have the nerve to start with observation and then fit theory to it, instead of starting with dogma and then cherry-picking, shoehorning, or just making up observations to fit? That when the evidence proves them wrong, they admit it? Say it isn't so!
P.S. As another Dave, I hereby revoke your Dave privileges.
"Evolution predicts nothing."
So, you've never actually studied evolution, have you?
IN A BEGINNING Created by the Elohim were the heavens and the earth.
Yet if you show a Christian the above, they'll go into a tizzy. That's a literal/exact translation from the Hebrew versions of the Torah (first 5 books of the OT). Elohim is plural and no, it does not mean the Trinity. And if it did mean the Trinity, then it is still plural, meaning different entities.
So which god created the earth then? What say you now, evidence?
Don't be silly, you know the OT has nothing to do with Christianity, except when they want to bash homos and pretend that they actually have a grasp of a book that isn't theirs when it comes to "origins."
Evolution, or genetics to be accurate, predicts many things. For instance, one can predict that breeding plants or animals for a particular trait can achieve the predicted results. Heck! Sheep, cows, goats, dogs, cats, grapes, corn, wheat, apples, and countless other organisms, are the results of selective breeding to achieve a PREDICTED end product.
Then, of course, there are countless instances of fossils which have confirmed predictions about "missing links". Consider all the intermediate fossils that have been found since the publication of The Origin of Species. Fossils which Darwin predicted.
Evolution scientists observe remains and tries to put a theory on what they find. The theory changes over time as contradictory evidence is found.
Exactly, that's how science works, unlike your religion, which tries to pretend that any evidence that contradicts it doesn't exist.
And evolution predicts lots of things, and those predictions have been born out by experimental and observational evidence.
Evolution scientists observe remains and tries to put a theory on what they find.
Yes that's how science works. You make observations and create theories in order to explain said observations.
The theory changes over time as contradictory evidence is found.
Exactly that's how science grows. It learns from past mistakes, corrects itself, and thus moves closer to the truth.
Yeah, they find new evidence new evidence and they incorporate it, change failed hypotesis, create new ones. All in order to brush the theory and giving it more and more sense.
And what does creationism do? Use the same old book. No changes.
"The theory changes over time as contradictory evidence is found."
As opposed to Creationism, which boldly remains the same in the face of contradictory evidence.
It's ALWAYS evolution with you "Christians"
It's ALWAYS homosexuality
It's ALWAYS evolution
It's ALWAYS atheists
over and over again while war rages around the planet, there is starvation in Dafur, and Somalia, cholera in India, many are still left homeless from katrina, and the tsunami
Does it really matter to you how and when the world came into being, when so many people on it, here and now, need a good Christian's help?
Aren't you supposed to lead by example rather than bullying and exclusion?
Are any of you"What would Jesus do" types even pretending interest in what you can do to feed the hungry, clothe the homeless, or comfort the sick. Or even try to save a sinlge soul
that's no fun!
All you hypocritical pharisees ever want to do is to take away civil rights from other taxpaying American citizens, threaten violenc against women and condemn people who aren't like you to burn in hell.
That really gets you off doesn't it?
You actually relish seeing someone stricken with AIDS
You don't want to save anyone, you just want to harm people who disagree with you, and play martyr when they call you on it
Next time you claim to be a "Christian" maybe you should think about what that means before you spew your sanctimonious bile all over the internet
He's ALMOST partly right. But he's wrong in why. Yes, science sometimes gets things wrong as new findings occur. This is the way science works. And when science is wrong, scientists know to admit to it. But they are not purposefully wrong. They give the answers they think is best based on the evidence at hand. At least science is able to admit to this. Fundies, on the other hand, believe they have an absolute monopoly on the truth, and are not willing to admit when they are wrong when reason and logic show otherwise, they just come up with even more insane theories to substantiate their crazy ideas. This is mental derangement. If you are willing to close your eyes to reality in favor of fairy tales, you have severe problems, and are not in any place to judge as evil those who can accept reality for what it is. Get over yourself, open your eyes, and exercise your mind.
"Evolution scientists observe remains and tries to put a theory on what they find. The theory changes over time as contradictory evidence is found."
Yeah, that's what we call The Scientific Method.
I agree; you cretinists do have a long history of jumping to the wrong conclusions. Mostly based on no evidence at all.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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