Ugly_equals_Death #sexist #quack

Womens instinct is to support violence. They dont care about any success, nether groupsuccess or family success, they just want the most primitive man. Unlogical for men but for woman its just natural to want violence and misery the only archetype a woman desires is a warlord sociopath like those baboons.

If a man fantasizes about the perfect night he thinks about the most caring altrustic girl loving him and healing him.

If a foid fantasizes about the perfect night she thinks about her boyfriend getting beaten to death by a stronger more attractive man before her eyes and raping her afterwards (beleve me the majority of porn women consume is rape fantasies and violence)

Woman dont give a shit on families and have no altruism. They would kill their sons if they are weak and fuck them if they are strong a woman has no values morals or principles.

They shouldnt be allowed to make any decision.



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