Napoleon de Geso #sexist #psycho

Biggest reason to hate femoids is they are not expression of my dreams and high cultured desires, primitive biocunts of low value and high price

Them not giving sex is lesser reason, and just pretty foids to be hated for that, ugly ones be hated for being ugly, and in case of offering sex - hated for that too, that be disgusting and insulting
But even if sex, even if gf, even if not ugly, those creatures so shit, that even more hard to expect they could fulfill high cultured desire of having cute adorable and cultured waifu, not stupid slutty annoying disloyal cunt. Waifu comrade, who support me in my fights against humanimal degeneracies, not cunt who would say "man up", "find job", "find better job", all that social femoidistic shit, incompatible with my unearthy extradimentionalkin essence. In case of having waifu yes, finding job maybe good, but thats no way to measure me, that is not thing to require from me, and cunt doing this is just primitive piece of meat breeder who cares about stupid biological breeding and providing, fuck that shit, cultured waifu is for enlightenmnent together and not living for humanimal world
Maybe would fuck some pretty cunt right now, if possible, and hate them for not giving me that possibility, but biggest hate of femoids is because they failing to fit into my vision about cultured superior waifu. So sad to far away for me, but still is nice to think that one day improved waifus couldbe created, genetically engineered, or made in other ways, and this will be done to natural biocunts:
(Video: “Only in China - Pigs in China were burnt ALIVE due to Asfarviridae”)
Good morning, one more day without waifu of culture, I hate women



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