I would definately say that this museum will be a good thing. We have plenty of people teaching evolution as fact with no regard for the true FACT that it is only a theory that cannot be proven. There are many things science cannot explain but the One who made the universe is the One who can explain it. People do not have to go to the museum if they do not wish to, yet children have to go to school and listen to years of teaching about the "science " of evolution. Isn't this a little lop-sided? And now people are complaining that this will hurt children. I will definately go to the museum as soon as I get the chance. Ken Ham does a wonderful and very scientific job of presenting the facts. I would recommend any of his writings to everyone. Thank you.
"Isn't this a little lop-sided?"
Yes, science is skewed heavily in favor of facts. You got us.
Remember science is objective in its methodology, not in its results. That's why it is "lop-sided" against phrenology, ether-theory, hollow-earth theory, astrology, and, yes, creationism.
Of course, you don't know what theory, fact, evidence or science means. You're not qualified at all to have a say on that.
Yes, Creationism does neatly explain the existence of life, the universe, and everything. But Creationism is not a valid explanation because it is based entirely on an unproven and unprovable presupposition: that God exists.
With no such proof of it's underlying supposition, Creationism falls apart like a house of cards built on melting butter. You simply can not make a claim for truth if the basis for your claim is unproven.
There are many things science cannot explain ... Ken Ham does a wonderful and very scientific job of
So, by your own definition, Ken Ham does a wonderful job not proving anything.
So, if every single detail of the ToE, a theory supported by mountains of excellent evidence, cannot be absolutely, positively proven, we should teach nonsense instead? Janet, you're an idiot.
Many of the comments posted on the Cincinnati.com website are worthy of being posted here.
It's been a while since I've seen such a high concentration of stupid outside of FSTDT.
I submitted about 6 or so more yesterday night. We'll see if they get through the filter. I'm sorry that I have to live around those people, that's scary.
I am hereby proposing my alternate theory of arithmetic:
7 + 3 = GODDIDIT
8 - 1 = GODDIDIT
11 + 4 = GODDIDIT
4 * 3 = GODDIDIT
Now, don't you think it's just a little lopsided that I have proposed a new theory, but it isn't being taught in schools? How is that fair?
Never mind that natural history exhibits are based on actual fossil & archeological findings, most of which are usually included in the display.
Where's the physical evidence in your little theme park of dressed up store mannequins. I saw pictures of some of the Creation Museum exhibits and laughed my ass off. When I was a kid I used to go to a park in Davenport, Iowa called Mother Goose Land. It was a cheap, cheesy place, but probably more factual and realistic than your little funhouse.
@ #243975
Old Viking
I googled it - its twice that now 2,780,000 - I also googled "creation science proof" it came up with 515,000 - we have the numbers - we win!
That's how it works, right!?
We have plenty of people teaching evolution as fact with no regard for the true FACT that it is only a theory that cannot be proven.
You are a complete and utter moron with no earthly clue as to what the words you're using actually mean.
Nothing is "proven" in science, silly, things are just more or less probable. The things that are most probable of all become Theories.
So, how does The One explain computer Trojans or quarks, and what does he have to say about the US of A in that book of his?
Children also have to go to school and listen to years of teaching about the "science" of 1+1=2, and the "science" of spelling the word "definitely".
Telling kids lies will hurt their chances in life, yes. Teaching them scientific things will aid them.
Ken Ham is "definately" the one who ought to have scare-quotes around the word "science", if you ever use it in connection with him. He has never presented a fact, to my knowledge, and if he said "Today is Saturday", I would get a second opinion before I believed it.
So prove anything, anything at all, about your "creation theory" or your "creation science".
Go on, we're listening...
"Ken Ham does a wonderful and very scientific job of presenting the facts. I would recommend any of his writings to everyone. Thank you."
Lines like that are repeated on Hovind and Comforts sites too, it's fairly obvious they have a crew writing glowing praise reports for them, they should try to be more individual and avoid the 'recommended inclusion' echo chamber comments like above. That's right outta Hovinds tape introductions and there's just no justifiable excuse to call either of these men scientific.
"Ken Ham does a wonderful and very scientific job of presenting the facts."
I wouldn't recommend any of his writings to anyone. Thank you.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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