"Look at the stuff that Romney, Lindsey Graham, and other top Republicans are STILL saying about Trump ..."
But none of them are accusing him of authoritarianism. Only the liars of the left-wing fringe are doing that. In fact, the Trump victory in the primaries was a triumph over authoritarianism -- the authoritarianism of the GOP establishment.
Republicans say horrible things about their rivals during the primaries. Democrats also say horrible things about their rivals during the primaries. The "Willie Horton" meme used so effectively against Mike Dukakis (D) in 1988 was first presented by Al Gore (D).
Political catfighting has never been pretty on either side of the aisle. This year, the most effective memes to be used against Hillary Clinton (D) are coming from the supporters of Bernie Sanders (D).
But the point of my post, John, is that it isn't the Republicans accusing Trump of authoritarianism. It's the liars of the left-wing fringe.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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